So it’s Christmas season! Christmas is right around the corner and the butterflies have started dancing in my stomach. I love Christmas! Everything about this special day and season gets me so excited! From the reason for Christmas itself to the Christmas decorations, the Christmas presents and the amazing and unforgettable memories from the time spent with family and friends. It’s just my favorite time of the year!
However, we sometimes tend to get carried away with the Christmas celebrations and forget about what this day is really about. We put so much emphasis on what Christmas really isn’t and forget its true essence.
So this Christmas, I want to challenge you and myself with this 7-days challenge in order to meaningfully celebrate Christmas and keep in mind what it really is about.
Day 1: GIVE
So our first challenge is to give. I’d like to challenge you (and again myself) to give as much as you can this season. Give until it hurts. If you’ve never given to the point where you feel a heavy pang of pain in your heart then you probably haven’t learned the art of giving yet.
When I talk about giving, it mustn’t only be giving financially or materially. Give your time, give your services, and give your knowledge, your skills… Give anything you can.
However more specifically, the Day 1 challenge is thus:
Give a Christmas present to 7 people (excluding your family). 
On Christmas day we were given the best gift we could ever ask for. A gift that we definitely weren’t entitled to nor deserved. A gift that we will have for eternity.
So Christmas is a time for giving – giving with love and joy. Make it a giving season!
Remain Blessed