Personal Experiences

Practicing His presence – Quiet Time

My quiet time with Him… I love spending time with God and it’s a pleasure for me to be able to share with you how I try to make my time with Him intimate and fulfilling.

Ok so what I do is I get up early in the morning 6/7/8 depending on my schedule. I usually don’t have a lot of time in the mornings so I spend just about an hour (or more when I can) in prayer – I try not to miss this time in the morning because it literally determines how my day will go.

I usually start my prayers by just turning on some slow gospel music and I just sit there quietly waiting on God (I learned this from Pastor Benny Hinn). I must confess it’s not easy to focus sometimes but I try to. I just wait on Him for about 10mins, quietly, saying nothing…then I start my prayers by praising Him and telling Him how much I love Him. I try not to bring any prayer request to God during that hour in the morning, I just reserve it as our “lover’s time”, to tell Him how much I love him and try to listen to what He’s saying, and this moment is also characterized by me speaking in tongues most of the time.  It’s not easy to keep track of how much time I spend in my Lover’s time but it is just to get me into the holy place. I usually notice I’m getting into the holy place when I lose control, I speak without thinking and the words just seem to flow out of me. Sometimes I kind of “erupt in tongues”, start crying uncontrollably etc. Yea, those moments are precious and honestly they don’t happen everyday – because it’s always a battle with the flesh to stay focused in prayer. But I’m learning everyday how to submit completely to him. Benny Hinn describes coming into his presence using the example of the sanctuary in the old testament where there was the outer court, the Holy place and then the Holy of Holies. Prayer kind of follows that pattern he says. We start in the outer court and slowly move in. So that’s how that one hour in the morning is spent. Sometimes though, I get distracted and throw all kinds of requests at God. But I really try not to. I also pray in the day or at night sometimes.  I try to pray anytime something/someone comes to my mind, I just say a short prayer for them.

For my bible study routine, I do about thirty minutes in the morning and thirty minutes in the evening (that is when I’m really focusing and meditating on the word – I have the bible on my phone so sometimes I read through it on the go; on the bus, train etc).. What I used to do until recently was follow a devotional. I used to follow the   Bible in One Year (BIOY) app but it got to a point where I realized I was just doing it to ease my conscience and say I read the Bible today! It became a routine. I wasn’t really meditating on the word and I wasn’t consistent. So I decided to start studying the bible in a different way. Now I take one book in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament and study them simultaneously. I study a chapter from each in a day (sometimes I end up studying just one chapter) and I write when I’m studying – it’s a great motivation: I keep a journal for my bible study. What I write is almost like preaching to myself. I also take out a memory verse, a declaration or an action each day. By action I mean I write what I should actually do, because I realized sometimes we just read only the promises God gave and forget to look at what is required of us before these promises comes to pass in our lives. So when reading the bible now, I focus on the “actions” – what is required of me? For example: Hebrews 5:14 says solid food is for the mature who by CONSTANT USE….” I see here that the action is on “constant use” and so I try to use the word as much as I can, when talking to a friend or just to myself, if it says intercede for others, I write it out in bold and try to do it. That is I try to be the word and not just read it.

I also try to speak in tongues as much as I can. I could take a five minutes’ break, go to the bathroom and just speak in tongues. That way my spirit stays connected to the Spirit of the Lord.

At other times, I listen to preachers on YouTube. Most often Benny Hinn. I love him! I love Priscilla Shirer too.

I read spiritual books too as I come across them and yea that’s it.

I’d like to say again that this isn’t a blueprint for any one to follow. We all have our own unique relationships with God and how you spend your time with Him solely depends on you and Him – and honestly my quiet time routine changes a lot too during the course of the year. As my schedule changes I have to make changes to it too. What is most important is you make out this time.

Thanks for reading, I hope sharing my QT routine with you helped you in some way!

God bless you


I am humbled to know I have the opportunity to share with u on this topic. I hope you can get something from my QT routine that could add some spice to yours.

I have routine moments that’s family devotional time. Early mornings and late evenings before bed time. Usually I program specific quiet moments with God when I feel really down in spirit and life is hard on me. Away from any worries and fears I unconsciously notice I’m in brief moments with God. Most often I spend my day in worship and praise this helps a lot because it keeps my spirit alert at all times. That’s when I feel myself brought into some impromptu prayers as the spirit leads. Then when I retire to my bed, I have a quiet time to take stock of the day, thanking God for the successes, failures, asking him to empower me to be a better person and just stuff like that. So my quiet moments with God are very regular. I pray as the spirit leads. Just even on the streets and in the bathroom – Just anywhere. But one thing I tell myself is;  pray ceaselessly on just every occasion.

God bless you


I’m happy to share my story about my QT, to encourage you dear sister in Christ.

I am a light sleeper. I find it difficult to sleep after 3am and I used to be worried but God helped me to look at this from the positive side rather than getting angry for lack of sleep. Now when I wake up at that time, the first thing I think is ‘pray’ so that’s what I do. I pray and sing and I could go at it for hours. Also, I used to pray by 6am, then during the day I’d try to get to a church or chapel and there I’d just sit, try to clear my mind and listen (though some days it’s extremely difficult but God’s grace is sufficient). This is usually my favorite time of the day. I Could be there for thirty minutes when am pressed for time or two hours. A difficulty which messes up this routine is work. Then, in the evenings by 9pm I do my evening devotion (prayers and bible meditation). This year, I began with the New Testament; 1John. My siblings and I always have some specific prayer sessions together, sometimes with the rest of the church. To keep myself alert at all times about my prayer time, I wrote out a schedule and pasted on my wall and set a couple alarms for reminders.

That’s me girls. Thank you for reading.


Times of refreshment in His presence

Hey sis, how beautiful it is to have you ride with us on this fruitful journey to greater exploits. As you desire to grow more in the knowledge of His word and in a better devotional life, you will have a divine encounter and He will equip you with the weapons for divine exploits. I will love to share with you a little story of how I spend my quiet time with God. I pray you are encouraged in all aspects. For as Iron sharpens iron, in the same way, people can help each other. (Proverbs 27:17).

Talking about my QT, I try everyday to develop and add new spice to my prayer life each time. Its not easy to be consistent especially when you have to meet up with the demands of work and a busy schedule, but the Grace of God is sufficient.

Fasting and Prayers: I fast for 21 days in January and 14 days in July, which most of our churches do corporately every year. Then I fast once a week (every Wednesday) and at other planned periods depending on the need and as the spirit leads. It is very important to develop a personal fasting schedule, especially at least once a week because fasting is what enables you to change levels. It is a good spiritual exercise which enables you keep mind, body and spirit fit. On certain Wednesdays, I try to just take other people’s prayer requests and pray for them. Its not easy to forget about yourself in prayers and just focus on other people. But it is worth it because I see it as a proof of how I trust God to take care of my own problems that I just need to take my eyes off them. Besides, it comes with a huge benefit package (Job 42:10). During my fasts, I get up at night to pray usually from 1:00am -3:00am. Sometimes I do not pray for all the 2 hours. But I just go as the spirit leads.

Daily Routine: For my daily routine QT, I try to be up at 6:00am (that is if I was not up in the night) but if I was up in the night, I give my self another hour of extra sleep. But the bottom line is I preserve one hour for my morning devotion. It always begins with worship. Then bible study. I normally used a devotional app and read the daily scriptures, meditation, etc. during that time. But recently, I switched. I began reading a chapter of a book I choose at that time. For example, I just finished Galatians. So at that time, I take one chapter each day, try to get a memory verse for myself. What helps me remember what I read is by posting it on Facebook to encourage other people or sharing with my friends.

At lunch time, which is usually like 2:30-3:30pm, I make sure I have a little quiet time before I eat. The whole idea is to be alert of the fact that as I need food, so do I need God. So I have another devotional book called “One minute devotions for women”. I read the passage for that day. On some other occasions, I skip the passage and just pray with a Psalm. But the bottom line is at lunch, I must spend some little QT time before I eat. Sometimes, I just listen to online messages from different preachers.Most evenings, I take a prayer walk. The distance from the train station to my house is like 15 minutes walk. Initially, I used to complain because I felt so tired walking all the distance when coming back from work but God can use anything for his Glory. So instead of complaining, I take a prayer walk. Here in the U.S, everyone drives. So it is even better for me because most times, I am the only person on the street. So I just sing, pray as I walk, and that is the highest time I speak prophetic declarations into my life and sometimes I just pray in tongues so no other person if any understands me just my heavenly father. Most times, instead of taking the normal road home, I decide to take the longer road so I can have more time in my prayer walk and my spirit is highly lifted. Sometimes after my prayer walk, when I get home, my spirit is just too high that I spend another 30mins-1hour just praising and praying in the spirit. I try to make 10:00pm my evening devotion time but it sometimes alternates between 10 and 11 depending on what I am doing (I am trying to improve by keeping a standard time). At that time, I just read a Psalm and pray. But recently, because I decided to do the one-chapter routine in the morning, in the evening, I instead read my devotional and I can still read the Psalm and go to bed. Praying in the spirit with tongues is very vital to me. I strive to just do that whenever the spirit leads. Also, music has played a huge role in keeping me alert. I listen to music a lot when am going to work and while doing my house chores so in my subconscious, there is always music playing in my head. When am at work, I sing and keep murmuring to myself at very low tone. When am in the train, I listen to messages from preachers online, etc.

It was nice sharing a little bit about my QT with you. I pray that the lord will quench your thirst for a solid devotional life and place a seal of exemption upon you that will be evident to all. You will have divine encounters like never before, to empower you for greater exploits.



As for me, I have a daily prayer and bible study schedule. I wake up and pray as the Spirit leads me – 30minutes, an hour, two hours…it varies. I begin with praise and worship before I pray. Most times my prayers are in tongues. Some times I find myself praying in tongues each time I try to pray, so I don’t fight it, I just let the Spirit lead me. Then I do my bible study for at least thirty minutes. In 2015/2016, I did a book to book reading, finished the new testament and part of the old testament. But I realized I was getting more of bible knowledge and not deep intimacy with God, so I decided to start the new testament all over again this time slowly. I take a chapter and read in sections very slowly for like three or more days then I go to the next. I usually write down new interpretations I get. Then I get a memory verse, an action point too. I write down the Memory Verse then recite it during the day. I also started using Our Daily Manner (a devotional written by Rev. Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe) this year so in the morning I read Our Daily Manner and in the evening I do my chapter by chapter Bible Study. I also fast once a week, on Thursdays. During these days I pray more for family, friends and others.

Singing is just part of me, the only thing that keeps me from singing during the day is if I’m studying something or in a restricted area. Even at work I just find myself singing. I have an Alarm at 12noon and 7pm for prayers. At 12 I do more of “breath prayers” because at that time I’m always at work or doing something else. By breath prayers, I mean brief prayers in my mind. Then at 7pm I pray though not extensively like spiritual warfare prayers. Most of my warfare prayers are done at 12am. Its not always good to keep on praying without listening. The whole idea of devotion is to listen not only talk – it is like a question and answer session. So I pray everyday for the Grace to listen to God more. Because its very easy to find yourself doing all the talking in prayers without giving God a chance to talk too and I realized God speaks to me always through His quiet voice. In my experience, I used to pray and then act immediately, before noticing God speaks to me through His quiet voice in my prayers but I failed to give him the chance and that is what gave me a wake up call. I also listen to inspirational teachings. I have listened to some like the power in thinking big, how to create a positive first impression. I listen to as many as I can lay hands on. I read spiritual books at work when my desk is cleared and am idle and also during evening QTs.

That is it for me! I hope you can get a few tips from my QT schedule and technique



My Quiet Time with God...

Dear sister in Christ, I bless God for today and the glorious package he has in store for you as you walk in his will for you this day and flourish in all spheres. I thank God for your curiosity in knowing how to develop a better devotional life for exploits. Its so timely, there couldn’t have been a better time than now. I pray that you are blessed after reading this. We all have different ways in which we have our QT and each according to the measure of Grace received (Ephesians 4:7). I will also share with you how I spend my Quiet time with God (QT). I encourage you to go through our life stories, and pick what can improve yours. Have a blessed time with us.

Most often my QT is characterized with prayers. The very static times for my prayers is in the morning when I rise up usually six, and in the evenings before I go to bed. In the mornings when I rise I say a prayer, get into praise, read and meditate on the word, get into worship then I closeup with prayer. Most evenings is just prayers, but sometimes I have a comprehensive one like I do in the mornings. For daily medications I follow up with the “Our Daily Manner” daily devotional. Most evenings, I do a comprehensive devotion on a passage in the bible as led by the spirit. Some other evenings I meditate on messages I’d listened to and jotted down things that stroke me. Apart from the normal routine of morning and evening, I do midday meditation/prayers.

How I Pray: Most often I pray with my understanding and from time to time, I pray in tongues as the spirit leads. Lately I pray more in tongues and I’m hoping to do even better this year especially after being challenged by the word and scriptural revelations not to take speaking in tongues lightly because it is your spirit that connects with God’s spirit. Prayer is a 2way thing. More like a conversation between you and a friend. So I try to listen to God after prayers.

Most of our local churches have scheduled fasting for 21days in January and 14days in July. I actively take part in these fasting sessions following the church program too. I have personal fasting sessions at many other times pertaining to what I seek of the lord. During my fast I do meditations, prayers at regular intervals for the scheduled time of fast.

Worship: This is another activity I indulge in during my QT, most often characterized by singing. It works for me big time. I could feel so down cast, so alone but when a song comes to mind and I pick up from there, I feel so edified and relieved. Singing is always to me like a perfect answer because it really makes me feel better. I can literally sing all day, even talking to someone and or teaching in school, I hum a song in my mind.

Reading of spiritual books, watching/listening to religious messages from different men of God is something I do as I get a hold of them. In order to stay connected, I strive to always have gospel channels on as I carry on my house chores. Believe me, you will always get at least a message or something new each time you listen to messages. Dear sister, no matter where you are, or what level you think you are in your devotional/Spiritual life, there is always an opportunity to bounce back. My story may not be the most inspiring to you, but I pray God gives you the grace to develop a better devotional life for encounters and exploits.


Having a Quiet time is unique to everyone at his or her own levels. I believe you have learned a lot from the testimonies of my other sisters. However, I will like to add a few more QT tips which work for me.On my own quiet moments, I start by morning meditations. I use devotionals but some days I may have a passage in my mind which I will meditate on. I sing songs of worship and do my morning prayers. I also set out one day in the week for fasting. On my fasting days I pray in the morning, mid day prayers and mid night prayers. One thing which stands out for me at the end of a fasting season is “The Prayer Mountain”. I join other friends to the prayer mountain. A prayer mountain is just going away from your house to an empty very quiet place free from any distractions to spend time with God. Usually early Saturday morning marking the end of a fasting season or session. I love to go to the mountain with a few friends. We do like an hour of individual meditation and after we jointly share what God has laid in our spirits, then do personal supplication and intercessions. Just like Jesus went to the wilderness to pray. It really keeps you away from distraction. There, my encounter with God is always spectacular. I cry out to him and he answers me in tremendous ways.


Developing Quiet Time with God...

Life is full of hustles and bustles. We always seem to have our plates so full of activities. Many times we even fail in doing our planned tasks and blame ourselves for the failures. We forget to spend a few minutes with the person to whom we owe all allegiance and love. Thats why we have become casualties of life instead of experiencing the joy in living as God intended it to be. This series is to enable us know how to develop a good quiet time with God and how important it is in building a strong relationship with Him. We are blessed to have some sisters share their personal experiences and through this, we hope you add some spice to your personal relationship with God.


My Quiet Time with Him…

Blessings to you dear daughter of Zion  I thank God for this opportunity to share with you how I spend my Quiet Time with God (QT). I will not take this divine appointment for granted. I pray that sharing my story with you will add some spice to your devotional life. If you need something you have never had before, then do something you have never done before. Remember you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. (Philippians 4:13).

I must confess over the past years, I have not followed my QT schedule consistently, but I keep striving each day and God’s Grace walks me through. I revise my QT schedule to suit my program as it develops within the year and as the spirit leads me. Developing a good QT in his presence is all about planning. It has nothing to do with how busy you are. If you plan well, you will succeed. If you have a study timetable for an examination, then you can equally have a QT time table, which is preparation for the highest examination. By the Grace of God, each January, I engage in 21 days of fasting and prayers as most of our local churches do. I engage in effective planning of my QT time table, which keeps me going throughout the other months of the year.


12:00am- 2:00am: Midnight Prayers (1hr), Study the Word, read my daily devotional book and memorize memory verses.

12:00pm-3:00pm: Choose a time to pray, read bible in 1year scripture reading, read a spiritual/inspirational write up or book.

7:00pm-9:30pm: Prayers, read a devotional book, read and pray using an evening Psalm, Watch online Christian messages.


I know you must be wondering how I keep up with this schedule and how I walk my way through  the bible study, reading and all. Don’t worry, I will tell you all bout it.

Bible Study:  I study a book of the bible at a time. Take for example Hebrews. That’s my ” Go-very-slow book for the moment. When I say “go-very-slow” it means I take a chapter, read it over and over at least 3 times in 3 different days, using different bible translations (NIV, KJV, etc.) just to understand its deep meaning. But for my Bible-in-one-year plan, I am currently reading the book of Mathew. That’s what I call “Operation-go-Fast” where I read at least 7 chapters a day, my target is 10 chapters. In order to get the most out of my reading/study, I do a lot of reflection. Just thinking about what I read and putting it in my own words. Then I write down key verses to memorize in the days ahead. I hope to write even more this year, God being my helper because writing down revelations from my personal meditations really helps.

I read spiritual books talking about our rights and authority in God, the importance of the Holy Spirit etc. Well, generally, I just read spiritual books as I lay my hands on them. Thank God for my mom who buys them. So when I finish one, I move to the next. I have already read many which have impacted my life and changed my relationship with God and my prayer life. I can testify to that and many people can testify to that as well.

How I Pray: I strive to pray a Psalm in the morning, afternoon and evening. In my prayers I pray in the spirit with tongues, listen to God, wait on Him, and get a message for myself or somebody else as it pleases the lord to speak (I however do not get messages everyday).

During the day, I set an alarm for 12pm everyday. Once it alarms, I know I must pray at that time. If I am at work or at a meeting, I pause and pray in my mind. If I am alone, I read my bible too and if at home, great! I fully utilize all my hours.

My mornings are really complicated. That’s why I have tried to merge devotion with prayers from 12am -2am, I might extend to 3am if the need arises. This is so because by 5am-5:30am, my family wakes up for the family morning devotion, and I must wake up too. Therefore, in order not to get a clash, I must do my personal devotion before 5am everyday.

Dear sister, I thank God for your life and that I was able to share a little bit with you. I am not perfect but God’s grace is the guiding factor. This may not be your idea of a good QT but it may add some spice. I pray that you are encouraged in the lord to develop a better devotional life for a phenomenal encounter with our heavenly father for greater exploits.

Peace and Love
