So if you’ve been following previous posts, you’ll probably know that I already fessed up to my love for piggy banks. Well it turns out that my love for them seems to be inspiring me in ways I wouldn’t have imagined 🙂 . Back home in Cameroon we usually get our piggy banks made out of plank wood – nothing fancy – because it wasn’t the piggy bank in itself that got us excited but it was all the coins we would be able to gather inside of it. So basically, the piggy bank in itself is worthless to me – but what is inside of it is what is of value to me.
This is basically how we are as Christians – in ourselves, our bodies or flesh – we are worth nothing but it is what God puts inside of us that makes us worthy and valuable both to Him and to the world.
We are compared to clay (or earth) in the bible – ‘for dust you are and unto dust you will return’ God himself said this in Genesis 3:19 and also Paul refers to us as ‘Jars of clay’ (2Corinthians 4:7). Clay in itself is formless and not so beautiful; a pile of clay by a riverside wouldn’t look very attractive to anyone! However, in the hands of the right potter, it can be turned into the most magnificent work of art! It doesn’t just end there… Even when clay is molded into the most beautiful work of art, these works of art are still very much fragile, a little tip over and they go landing to their demise into tiny bits and pieces shattered all over the place!
We were very much like clay – formless and really not beautiful in anyway – when God (the greatest artist I know!) molded us into his matchless and impeccable work of art! Still however, we are weak, broken and very fragile just like jars made out of clay.
God still chooses to use us even in our broken and weak state. He fills us up with this ‘treasure’ Paul talks about – The treasure that is a testament of His might in us.Â
We however sometimes become too aware of our broken state that we don’t give God a chance to use us how he’ll want to, or to fill us up with the treasure – we become our own obstacle! God however isn’t after ‘perfect’ people. If anything, He is interested in the weak and broken! because through them, He portrays his greatness and power.
God gives everyone a chance! – Everyone who gives him one.
If only you’ll trust that he can take your messiest mess and turn it into an incredible message! God’s treasure is available for everyone. Anyone who makes themselves available to Him, He’ll use in amazing ways to portray His might and power.
So I urge you today to stop holding back from God! Surrender completely to Him and trust that He can turn you into a masterpiece! A masterpiece that’ll be the pride of the artist.
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2Corinthians 4:6-7NIV