Remain Focused!

It sounds easy but maybe really hard to remain focused. I just realized the main way to achieving our goals is to remain focused.
But what should I focus on?

Focus on where you are going and on what you are doing to get there.

Different people have different goals they set for their lives.
Sometimes we focus a lot on the goal and forget about what we are doing to achieve this goal. Other times, we focus on the goals, know what it takes to achieve the goal but avoid taking the necessary steps to attain this goal or look for alternative “easier ways” to attain the goals. Sometimes we just get busy working without knowing what we want to accomplish.
I am learning that the way to succeed in what we do is to FOCUS. Focus on our goal and how to get there. I encourage you to FOCUS. Sometimes it may seem really tedious focusing on how to accomplish your dreams. Remember the saying ‘nothing good comes easy’. An example on how to FOCUS can be drawn from the life of Jesus. His goal on earth was to die and resurrect so that mankind can be saved through His blood. It was never an easy task but he pressed on. He understood the steps to accomplishing will involve a lot of rejection, mal-treatment and crucifixion. He knew he could not skip the pain of death and resurrect. So he had to endure the pain of death in order to achieve the resurrection. He fulfilled his mission because He REMAINED FOCUSED.
In every domain in our lives be it professional, spiritual, marital etc we ought to remain focused in what we want to achieve and what we are doing to achieve it.
I am learning to REMAIN FOCUSED. It may not be easy but ‘WINNERS NEVER QUIT’.

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One thought on “Remain Focused!

  1. Muyu says:

    Focus is the main word and remaining focused isn’t easy just as you said. But it’s the best way to live . A focused life is the best kinda life. May God help me to b more focused because attimes when one is focused or even tries to be focused , problems or issues come up which makes it so difficult to remain on track but God will help us. Tnks alot for the write up

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