The power in the choices we make.

Life is a two phase coin, there is either good or bad, hot or cold, rich or poor and what have you. The power to choose has been given to each and everyone. We are bound to the choices we make. No one has the power to make our choices, we as individuals make our choices. Not even God makes our choices, He has given us the discretion to choose what we want.
As a Christian, what have you chosen to be a Hot Christian, a Cold Christian or a Lukewarm Christian? 
Who is a Hot Christian?
A hot Christian is one whose heart beat is for the gospel, one who tries to live a life befitting of the gospel, one who takes delight in God’s word and meditates on it day and night. A hot Christian is someone whose heart is a fertile ground and once the seed is cast it germinates a 100%.
On the other hand a cold Christian is the complete opposite of a hot Christian. The worst category is the lukewarm Christian, neither hot not cold, neither in nor out, people who sit on the fence, such persons the Bible says they will be spat out. Lukewarm Christians are signposts only directing people on where to go but they never go there.
So many christians nowadays have developed cold and lukewarm attitudes towards the gospel. Some think they have arrived in the Christian race. On the contrary there should be no moment a Christian thinks he or she has arrived. We only arrive when we cross the finish line and till we cross then we keep striving.Christians need to be zealous for Gods word, hungry to take the word to the ends of the earth, living right, rebuking openly, love truly, among others. As a Christian do not pretend to be what you are not, it’s either you are hot or cold, it’s either you are in or out. The choice to be in or out, hot or cold lies within you.
What therefore do you choose, Paul says “As for me and my household we have chosen to serve the Lord.”  The person to make that decision Is you. Where do you belong? Let your identity be known wherever you go.God doesn’t travel through crocked hearts, make your heart a fertile ground that He may come and dwell there in. If we have been cold Christians, Jesus still stands at the door knocking, open your heart this day and receive Him that He may lead you. (Revelations 3:20)
Dear friends take a decision this day, the choice is all yours and no one else’s, choose Jesus and He will perfect your pathway.
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