The Need to be Confident

We live in a society where when one is confident, that one is said to be proud, boastful or people will always want to read it the negative way. But I come to challenge you this day on the need to be confident.
What is confidence?

Confidence is a feeling or belief that you can do something well.

Confidence occupies an unparalleled position in a man’s quest for excellence. Confidence commands authority. It’s worst enemy is inferiority complex.

Jesus was an epitome of confidence while on earth. He spoke with authority to the storm; ” Be still”, to the fig tree; ” May you never bear fruit”, to the sick; “Be it to you according to your faith”.
Jesus’ confidence helped to establish his authority. Dear friends we need such confidence in us because we have a God who is greater in us, so we ought to walk in the reality of the power we have in us and let nothing steal our confidence, not even the misinterpretations of our confidence to be pride. The might of Goliath was crushed by bold and confident David. David’s age, size, lack of war experience didn’t hold him back, rather he exhibited a strange kind of confidence.
Confidence is a war strategy. When you allow your confidence to be broken, your heart is broken as well, and one with a broken heart is a broken and defeated person. What then are the basis for one’s confidence?

1. Don’t Don’t put your confidence in men.

Our confidence should be in God. Man will fail you but God can never fail. God is with us even in the darkest moments. He says, “I am with you always”. He never fails nor forsakes His own. God is our greatest confidence booster. Because we put our hope in a God who never fails, we need to be confident at all times.

2. God doesn’t act contrary to His word.

God’s word draws Him into a situation and compels him to act according to His word. The Centurion asked Jesus to speak the word so his servant could be healed. His confidence in the word of God brought his desired miracle. When you know God’s word about the situation you find yourself in, then you have enough grounds to be confident.

However sometimes, being confident could be challenging. So how can we build our confidence?

1. Know your God.

When we know the God we serve, we will be able to stand out confidently in any situation. The Bible says ” they that know their God shall be strong and do exploits”. Know the word and use it. For no situation can resist God’s word.

2. Fear Not.

God says we should be as bold as a lion. Don’t run away from your situations, confront them rather with confidence. Know that as a child of God, every battle you are confronted with, it’s God’s not yours. Scripture says, ” The Lord will fight for you and ye shall hold your peace“.

3. Be Courageous.

If you can’t speak out boldly, you can’t rule here on Earth. If you will be strong in the Lord and be confident in His ability to back up what you say, then you need to be courageous. The Lord didn’t say there will be no serpents and scorpions to contend with, rather He says there will be but be empowered to step on them.

Choose therefore, dear friends to be fearless and confident because that’s the power vested in you as a child of God. Forget the allegations that come from people about your confidence, you are confident because you know the God in you!

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