First, to you our faithful reader and all those who take out the time to share their thoughts through comments in the comment section, we absolutely love reading from you. Thank you.
Alrighty! I think we should all agree on two facts before we delve deeper into the article for today.
- Fact 1
Pain for any reason, be it physical, spiritual or emotional sucks!
- Fact 2
Pain changes a person.
We agree on that right? These two points are the reason why this article is meant to shed a little light on this recurrent emotion and how we can change the way we deal with it.
Pain in itself is such a complex emotion with unpredictable effect outcomes. This is why it has long been studied by psychologist as a singular, intriguing emotion. When we feel pain or hurt, our first response is usually to treat the ‘symptoms’. We try to alleviate the feeling of helplessness and loss by engaging in other activities; over working , alcohol consumption, drugs , laziness due to depression… essentially doing all the extremes. However, Relying on these activities for healing eventually creates a sort of dependency which often results in addiction and more pain.
–Give it time. Time allows you to think, to assess, to see things from an angle that is not blurred by hurt and tears.
–Accept your feelings, feel them but do not dwell on them.
– Get out of your immediate routine; take a trip, join a group etc.
– Cry out loud.
–Give it some more time.
– look at it from another perspective.
Looking at pain from another angle is something I have been practicing for some years now and I know it helps the healing process greatly. Pain is more often than not, associated with bad things and events such that it gets hard to see the gain or positive side of things. But, when I look back at most of the difficult times I have had in my life, I am always able to identify some gain from my pain.
Simple conclusion, there is gain in pain. It won’t seem that way at first, it won’t even seem that way in a long time but if you look at it all from another perspective you will always find the gain.
My personal advice to anyone going through a period of intense pain and hurt; cry out to God. I am fully aware that some of you my dear readers might not have taken the bold step of consciously and intentionally walking with God yet and that is okay. This is the moment when you can start.
Psalms 34:18 says ‘The Lord is near to those who are discouraged; He saves those who have lost all hope.’
This is great! Why? Because the pain gives you an added advantage. God will be closer to you during that period because He knows you feel alone, hurt confused and He alone has the power to soothe your pain. So cry out to the Lord! It is the perfect time for it. Cry out with your voice and fill it with your pain. The act when done in earnest indicates a kind of complete surrender, the kind which moves God our Father. Thus, your pain highlights a pathway between you and God and your voice conveys your feelings… your needs. Again, this is not about the crying it is about the intention and the emotion.
The Bible is full of instances where people have cried out to God in sadness, frustration, pain…and God answered them. Not because He didn’t hear them before but that act of surrender in a very spiritual way brings you closer to God. (1 kings 17:20-22, Exodus 15:25 among others)
The usual unnerving question we ask ourselves sometimes is ‘why did God let this happen?’ and Christians are always told not to say this lest they seem to question God. I think that is inaccurate. These questions can be asked but I also think they should remain just questions. So, please do not dwell on them and make your whole life revolve around them. You have asked. So let God reply and He will show you what wonders He has worked through your pain for your own good. It is always for your good. This has been my experience and I can tell you that I only got the answer to some of my questions after many long years. That is why God again says in His word ‘Do not despair…’ Have faith and trust that all things work out for your good.
When in pain you need hope and hope only comes through faith in God. Allow God to change you, to build you, through your pain. So if you are going through a very difficult time in your life remember that there is gain in pain. Cry out to God and he will answer you. You are not alone.
Remember to be kind to others.
We would really love to hear your thoughts on pain and gain or about any painful situations you might be experiencing in your life. Also, don’t forget to share this article with anyone who might need it.
Thank you and May God bless you.
Nice write up. In pains we should as questions that will lead to the second fact about pain which is causing changes.
Pain may result from disobedience and obedience. Take the case of the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years being termed “Stiff-necked” because of disobedience and the case of Job because of Obedience. Changes result in both scenarios. Pain resulting from disobedience leads to a positive change to obedience for a humble heart as the Ninevites repented and we’re spared. We all know how Job’s latter days turned out to be.
I see pain in the live of a Christian as an expression of God’s grace (2 Corinthians 12:7-9). While in pain instead of asking God “WHY” ask Him “WHAT” He wants to use that pain for…….??
Beautiful write-up. I would like to encourage someone out there going through pain. As you read in this article, when you are in pain, God is closer. It may not feel like it now, but he is. You may probably feel too broken or angry to pray, so you don’t pray because you think you are not coordinated enough, but that’s a wrong move. In that pain, tell it to God, in short sentences, put in writing, sing it as a song, scream…….whichever way you can express yourself. After telling how you feel, ask for his help, even if it’s in short sentences like; “God, I need your help”, etc. Trust me, he listens and in the long run, he will realize God went before to answer those things you prayed about. He is your father and your friend too. He is interested in even the smallest things that concern you. No matter what you are growing through, let it out, cry if you must, ask questions, but don’t dwell in your pain. Suppressing your pain only makes you a ticking timed bomb……waiting to explode, which most times is always more dangerous.