Awakening the Giant Within (Created for exploits)

In the history of mankind, giants are known to have been the biggest, tallest and strongest being that lived on earth. Today, they no longer exist on the face of the earth as we do not find any of them in any country on earth. However, they do exist beyond the earth, in the spiritual realms. This group of people were  seemingly undefined or unbeatable human beings. No one would willingly challenge them or cause them to get angry and cause a fight. In fact, they commanded so much respect, admiration and had such a following compared only to that of kings and queens. Any territory surrounded or guarded by giants was considered a fortified or well protected territory; place enemies could not easily invade or even approach. The presence of a Giant in a city gave a sense of peace, security and assurance of no attacks to the inhabitants of that city. They acted like a passport to comfort and security for those in the same city like the Giants.

How comforting can it be, to have a Giant as part of your family, your friend, sister or even your very own mother? Very comforting and assuring indeed, something almost everyone will desire to have.

In biblical times and even in our days, children of God, though physically small were called to be and acted as giants in their communities. A prominent woman in the bible who fulfilled the giant personality and position in her home and community was Zipporah (Exodus 4: 24-26). She was a Giant to her husband and household, she liberated her husband Moses from the Lords anger because she performed her Giant role in his life. Esther (Esther Chapter 4) as queen played the part of a giant to her people while in the palace and it led to the liberation of her people from the hand of their enemy. Ruth (Ruth Chapter 3 – 4) equally accepted a giant role in the life of her mother in-law at a time that she needed Ruth the most. Another classic example of a Giant woman is the mother of Jesus, Mary, who accepted to take disgrace and attacks from the society just so that she protects and birth her baby Jesus, who eventually became the Saviour of the world and a solution giver to many souls that believe in Him.

Looking at these women of the bible, they effectively and courageously took up that Giant position and fearlessly acted the part to the point that souls were liberated, peace came into the hearts of those they stood for. Subsequently, they received a lot of respect, admiration and success in their lives. They achieved Gods calling and purpose for their lives and this did not only impact them and their families positively, but their whole community and generation thereafter.

It goes without so much emphasis that there is a giant in every woman that lies waiting to be put to work and to bring peace, change and undisputable impact in the world. It has come a time when women have to rise up and awaken the giant within them.

Let that Giant arise and defend! Arise and comfort! Arise and mold! Arise and help needy souls fulfill purpose.

Do not let the Giant sleep, because if you do so, there will be a city living in fear because the giant is at sleep. There will be a soul lost and helpless because the giant is sleeping. There will be a change that will not be made because there is no giant to pave the way.

Therefore, Arise girl and awaken the Giant within you!

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