Meet Cheryl……”She Will Rise Again”

My faith story:

I was born into a Christian home. I made a personal decision to give my life to Christ after reading “He Came to Set the Captives Free” by Rebecca Brown. Soon after I was attacked with severe depression which almost crippled me for one semester and went on and off for many years. I felt use less and not worthy to have all the blessings I had. It wasn’t until I read, “The Purpose Driven Life” by Pastor Rick Warren did I break free from the bondage of depression. I had a conversation with our Lord and Savior who told me my purpose. It was the most beautiful experience ever. Not only had he called me to be a medical doctor, He had also called me to write books for young adults to glorify His Holy name. Now even when the devil tries to attack me with feelings of worthlessness, I’m like “mm mm, nope. we are not going to play that. I’m not worthless, God has a specific plan designed for my life.”

My motivations to write the book

I really enjoy reading mystery and drama fiction novels. Ever since I was a child, I’ve been writing short stories and plays for my own amusement or for my friends. Growing up, I didn’t see many examples of African-American authors, so I didn’t feel it was worthwhile publishing a book. It was after I went to two book signings for African-American authors in 2016 that I felt led to write and publish this book. In addition, I wanted to write a book to bring glory to God even in the midst of drama and betrayal. I use fiction to show how God can restore anyone, no matter how damaged you are.

My Encouragement to other young Writers

I’d like to tell other writers, it’s never too late to start. You just have to develop some self discipline to start and finish the book. Also you don’t have to get any writing degree or training to write a book. Just let God lead you. My favorite part of the writing process was getting a writer’s blog and just praying about it. Within a day, God showed me what to write and how to continue. It was such an amazing back and forth experience. Even with the title, I struggled for months to find one I liked. Then I prayed about it and booyah, I had something the next day. 

It was nice sharing this piece with you all. I hope God will guide anyone who reads my story or this book to fulfill that purpose he has placed upon your life. It is not just about living a life or leaving a legacy, but  using your gifts and talents for the Glory of God. You can get your copy of “She will Rise Again” on following the link below.


Remain Blessed

Cheryl Fonteh

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2 thoughts on “Meet Cheryl……”She Will Rise Again”

  1. Joanna Panzera says:

    Joanna Panzera said “Thank you. I feel this is the sign I have been waiting for to go ahead and write the book.”

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