Making Heaven… Is That All There is to Becoming a Christian?

If you shared the good news with someone and they asked you this question; “Why should I become a Christian?” What would your response be? Or rather maybe I should turn it around and ask you these questions… Why are you a Christian? Why did you give your life to Jesus Christ? Why are you his follower?

Most times when believers share the gospel, they’ll say giving your life to Christ will save you from the pit of hell and give you an opportunity to go to heaven. While this is absolutely, positively true, I believe so much emphasis and focus is put on this and the other incredible and even more wonderful benefits (in my opinion) of being a Christian are overly underrated. Looking forward to that day when we get to be in that stunning, mind blowing place and walk on those streets of gold is elating. My heart skips a bit at the thought of heaven. But I think our heavenly experience begins right here – on earth. There’s so much more to being a Christian than just dodging the bullet (hell).

So I’m going to write about a few things that as Christians we have and that are almost equally as amazing as the gift of eternal life and I think we need to start laying more emphasis on these when talking about Jesus.

  1. A calm Assurance and Heavenly Peace.

I’ve gotten to understand literally what the ‘peace’ of God means because I’ve experienced it. I lived through a period in Turkey when every two or three months there’ll be an explosion happening somewhere. There was so much fear in the atmosphere. I could feel fear as I talked to people and see it in their eyes. That’s when I really understood what the ‘peace’ of God meant. Through all that time, I honestly felt that peace and calm assurance

within me. It dispels all fear and it feels like a warm blanket envelops you. It’s like that peace you see on a baby’s face when she’s sleeping in the arms of her mother (nothing as heart-warming as a peaceful baby J ). This to me is heavenly and I don’t need to be in heaven to have it! I can have it right now!


  1. Joy and Laughter

Getting to know Jesus brings so much unspeakable joy. You get a joyful spirit. Even through difficult times, His friendship brings you joy. Know

ing that you have that one person you can turn to, who will always be there for you is a good feeling. Also, the joy and laughter we get through fellowship with other believers is amazing! There’s been times when I have walked into my church and a wave of joy sweeps over me and I literally get that laughter that comes from the stomach. I think heaven is not going to be much different from this.

3. Love beyond Measure

I think one the most amazing thing about our God is his love. The love we have through Jesus. We are not compelled to worship him out of fear – fear of going to hell, fear of death, or fear of anything! His love draws us to himself! Sometimes, his love literally makes your heart so full that it spills over as tears of love. This love even teaches us how to love. We learn how to show love to others and genuinely care about them. Once God’s love fills your heart, loving other people will honestly become easier for you. It’s an amazing gift we have!

  1. A Guiltless Mind

Guilt is such burden that I really hate! Whenever I feel guilty about something, my heart literally beats faster than it normally would and I am completely restless and uneasy. I hate that feeling! Having my guilt taken away is something I definitely enjoy and rejoice about. It’s a good thing I can enjoy that gift right here and now.

  1. The Friendship of the Holy Spirit

When Jesus ascended to heaven, he left us one of the most amazing gifts we have now! The Holy Spirit – his loving presence and incredible friendship! Having him reveal God’s plans, his mind and heart to us, revealing to us His secrets is such a wonderful blessing and honor. This friendship even transcends into our relationships with people. We can build incredible friendships and relationships. That’s one more thing we don’t have to wait to enjoy! It’s available right now!

So there you go! Here are a few amazing and beautiful gifts we can enjoy as Christians right here on earth! I’m definitely not saying looking forward to heaven is a bad thing! Of course it isn’t! I look forward to it myself. But honestly, I focus more on what I have right now and what I can make and how I can get the most out of it.

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11NIV


Remain Blessed


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