I am Special

 A thought of mediocrity makes mediocres, while a thought of greatness makes great men. For the word of God says,” for as a man thinketh in his heart,so is he”Proverbs 23:7.
What do you think of yourself? Your thoughts set the limit for your life.Speak blessings,think blessings and act blessed. You can only become what you believe. if you believe you can’t make it then you definitely won’t make it, if you believe you are too small,unfit, weak then that you will be.But God thinks differently of us. Abram saw in himself a fatherless man,but God saw in him the father of a multitude. The children of Israel saw Goliath as one who will crush them,but David saw Goliath as one of the Lions he had been fighting in the forest. See things God’s way dear friends and not it looks physically. We need to come out of our tent mentalities and assert our position. We are gods and the world should listen and obey us and not the other way round. We matter so much to God dear friends that He sent His only son to die for us. Stop despising yourself therefore. Wake up in the morning tell yourself,I am beautifully and wonderfully made, I walk in Divine health, I am blessed,Kings are coming to my rising. You might not be able to see it,but work by faith dear friend and not by sight.Faith never fails and yours won’t fail.
God has said many great things about us,but we have a part to play in other to come into an agreement with Him. Ours is to believe and declare and He will release. God has crowned us not with defeat,failure but with favour, victory and what have you,so friends let’s go thinking and believing what God says,doubting not. The moment God says you are blessed,you are blessed. The blessings are there till you walk up and pick them. Rise up dear friend,it’s your time,it’s your season.Dare to call yourself special,dare to call yourself blessed, dare to call yourself what you are even before you see it and you will marvel at God’s workings. God wants to do something big for you but it can’t be with that narrow thinking mind of yours.it may not have been in the past but it is in the future. Nothing can keep you from your God given destiny. We are destined to be glorified.

I am special,You are special and We are special
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