True Surrender

I remember having an argument with a friend, trying to agree on the time to do a bible study together. We both had our set times in our minds which we believed was the perfect time to do it. We argued and disagreed on this for so long and no one was willing to give up their stand because we all believed our opinion was the best; no one wanted to surrender, fearing to be the looser…

How often do we find ourselves in such circumstance when we feel that surrender is a sign of weakness or failure? Most times in life we always want to be in charge, make the decisions, make the plans, take the lead and be followed, we rarely want to be followers. We want to be head, be at the top and at times we even wrongly quote Deut 28:13 and say ‘even the bible says we are to be at the head and not the tail, the first and not the last’. So, why should I be a follower rather than a leader, why should I surrender my opinion when I know that it is the right way in this or that situation?

Another example is when you overwork yourself making plans for your life, setting time frames and focusing on those set time periods so much so that if you fail to meet up, you go into self pity and anguish. You tend to blame it on others, the world, yourself and even God. You rely so much on self, your abilities, your intellect and maybe even your looks and fail to see the need to surrender to one who can handle it all.

By saying all these I am in no way saying you shouldn’t seek to be a leader in order to show the way to others who can’t find their way or to set out logical and concrete plans for your life. All these are very essential for success in life and growth. However, you have to see the need for true surrender to a One who is supreme, One who knows better, who has set everything in place and has the times and seasons in His hands, One who cares and calls you to surrender your will in all your ways. The bible says, not by might nor by power but by the spirit of God… Zechariah 4:6. So no need to fight so hard, the wise way to go is to surrender.

We get to win when we surrender totally and completely to the Most High God because we are sure that His plans for us are to prosper us (Jer 29:11).

Surrendering our will, our authority or views is by no means a sign of weakness rather; it is a sign of strength and maturity. Surrender doesn’t weaken us rather, it strengthens us.Total surrender to God gives peace (Job 22:21), freedom (Rom 6:17) and power over circumstances and people.

What then is true surrender to God? Surrendering to God doesn’t mean passive resignation or an excuse for Laziness. It doesn’t mean accepting the status quo and seating on your senses. Likewise, it doesn’t mean giving up rational thinking or repressing yourself. Actually it means the opposite:

it means sacrificing your life or suffering in order to change what needs to be changed. It means trusting God with your abilities to make a difference wherever you find yourself, it means obeying when God leads and refusing to follow the standards of the world.

Surrendered people obey God’s word, even if it makes no sense to them. They Trust Gods leading even when they can’t see the end of the tunnel, they just go as led because they are wholeheartedly surrendered. Surrendered people rely on God to work things out rather than trying to manipulate others, force their agenda or control the situation. They let go and let God work without always seeking to be “in charge”. You know you are surrendered when you don’t react to criticism and rush to defend yourself, you don’t weigh others out, you don’t demand your rights always and you aren’t self-seeking. This is the true and only way to live; in total surrender to God for a higher purpose.

Dear friend, give it all to God: your past regrets, your present problems, your future ambitions, your fears, weaknesses, and hurts. Let Jesus be at the driver’s seat of your life and let go. Surrender totally to God and relax because nothing under his control can go out of control. The practice of surrendering however is not a one day event; it takes time, conscious steps, moment by moment sacrifices for a life time. But the assurance and hope for something great for all those who truly surrender is sure.

Therefore, “Surrender yourself to the Lord and wait patiently for him” Psalm 37:7a

Remain Blessed

Pechue Melie

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