Seeking God in the Valley of Life.

Dear Sister/Reader,

Has there ever been a time in life when you feel like you are in a valley? You may call it a pit because you are alone, downcast, exhausted all options and pitied by all. But I choose to call it a valley because it is in between two hills. You just finished one hill which was a breakthrough and now you are alone in the valley, wondering how to climb another hill, or wondering where to get strength to pull through amidst the mockery. Probably, you don’t know what or how to pray again  because you ran out out of words and it seems God is not hearing. Well, am happy you are here reading this message right now because God wants to direct your mind to a few issues on getting answers to your prayers.

As Christians, we should understand that the reason why the bible was written with all the series of events that occurred (more like a History text book) is in order for us to see ourselves in the position  of any of the figures and what they did to get out of it. So its not just a story but its the testimony of other people to encourage us. Remember the testimony of the Lord is the Spirit of prophecy (Rev 19:10).

With this in mind, i will like to focus on an old bible story which is often neglected but very vital in seeking God’s face while in the valley.

The Birth of Samuel (1 Samuel 1 and 2):

Samuel’s mother Hannah was barren and was the subject of mockery by her co-wife because of her barrenness.  This was her valley. At the end of every year, they went to offer sacrifices at Shiloh. After years of shame, Hannah took upon herself to seek the Lord fervently in the valley. She prayed to God asking for a son and vowed to surrender him to the lord all the days of his life and God granted her request.


1.) Identify your valley: Many of us are in one area of stagnation or the other because we do not know what the cause of our stagnation is or where we need intervention. The first step in praying for a breakthrough is by identifying the need. Hannah identified her need and thus she had a reason for seeking the Lord.

2.) Separate yourself: After identifying where the problem is, separate  yourself. By separating yourself, strive to do what you have never done before if you want what you have never had before. Hannah always went back home after the sacrifice at Shiloh but this particular day, she separated herself. When everyone ate, drank and went home, she stayed there to seek God’s face. How often do you separate yourself? Maybe the only thing standing between you and your breakthrough are the many distractions around you. Separate yourself and talk to God. It may entail fasting, going to a lonely place to seek God, cutting off some friends or even  abandoning old habits. Whatever it is, just separate yourself, seek His face and desire and encounter.

3.) Be Specific in your request: Hannah asked God specifically “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son…” (1Sam 1:11). Many of us do not receive answers to our prayers because we are so vague. We say “God i need divine intervention” and God is asking “My daughter what area of your life do you need intervention?” Remember the story of blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52). He cried out to Jesus for mercy  but when Jesus heard him, the first question was “What do you want me to do for you?” So be specific.

4.) Make a vow or sacrifice and make sure you fulfill it: Hannah made a vow to God that if He gives her a son, she will give him to the lord for all the days of his life (1Sam 1:11). After Hannah gave birth to a son, she returned to fulfill her vow and because of this, the Lord gave her 5 more children. (1sam 1:27, 2:21). If you make a sacrifice and fulfill it, God doubles the blessing.

So dear Sister, what is that thing you are holding back from God? I may be talking to you who desires a miracle baby, job, spouse, etc. Examine yourself as you seek His face in the valley. What is it that you have to lay down? Is it a bad character, is it an ungodly relationship, is it bad friends, is it a witch charm, what is it? What you are holding back may just be the gateway to your breakthrough.  If you don’t know it, ask God to show you what you need to lay down. Take that bold step today like Hannah and watch things take a swift turn.

Remain Blessed forever.

Your sis, Gwen.



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