The Confessions of Your Mouth

What do you say when faced with a situation?what words do you speak to yourself, your friends, your family members? The word of their testimony. There is power in what we say- our testimony or confession. We become what we say. Christ is the flesh of the word. So every word we speak becomes flesh. In salvation, we all know man’s part is first to believe in his or her heart and then to confess with her mouth. What do you confess with your mouth?

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,you will be saved, (Rom10:9). When we believe and confess that Jesus died for our sins, confess that God raised Him up from the dead,we are saved and enter into the victorious christian life.
It is one thing to enter the victorious life in Christ and another to maintain it. How do we keep walking in victory therefore? By the confessions of our mouths. Many of us consider problems, think thoughts of fear,doubt and despair, rather than resist them by speaking forth words of faith,hope and love. We find it easier to confess our sins but we also need to confess what God says in His word about our salvation, our finances, our health, provision,blessings to name but a few.
When sick, what do you confess? “The doctor says this my illness cannot be cured”? Bible says ” I am the Lord thy God who healeth thee”. Your confession when plagued with sickness therefore,should be He healeth all my diseases, by His stripes I am healed(Ex 15:26,Ps 103:3, Is 53:5). When troubled remember the Bible says….He who created you, O Jacob,He who formed you, O Isreal, fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have summoned you by name,you are mine. When you pass through the waters, l will be with you and when u pass through the rivers,they will not sweep over you…(Is 43:1-2).
The Bible says Jesus is the High priest of our confession (Heb 3:1),this means that, He works with what we say to enforce victory for us.Jesus is our advocate and if He is to be successful as our lawyer,it will depend largely on our confession(what we say).
Satan visits Heaven regularly to accuse the brethren(see Job 1,Rev12:10). When he does, how is Jesus going to answer and refute Satan’s accusation? By your testimony- what you say.when the devil is accusing you before God,there are three things said, what the devil says, what the Bible says and what you say. If you agree by what Gods word says, your testimony will be used by Jesus to refute the devils accusation.

Capture this picture of the court of Heaven.
1.) There is a judge who decides who is guilty and what penalty will be.
2. There is the ” prosecutor ” who will try to prove that the one who is accused is guilty as charged.
3. There is the defendant, who has been accused and needs someone to defend him from the charges.
4. There is the defender who will seek to prove that his client is not guilty as accused.

Now who plays these roles in Heaven? The judge is God himself, the prosecutor is the devil, the defendant is the Christian (you and me), the defender is Jesus. Now at the trial, the prosecutor speaks first pressing his charges against us before the judge. Some of his accusations true and others false His case is so convincing we may feel afraid and try to defend ourselves and even deny the charges. Our defender presents our case on the basis of what we say, what we confess. He had already paid the penalty for our wrong doings, with His blood. When we turn our defense to Jesus, He will take our confession of sin and salvation and plead before His father our Judge. On the basis of the cross and His blood shed, the Judge declares us pardoned and we are set free
We see how powerful our confessions are. Friends, begin to declare great words over your life believing God and every declaration of yours will be flesh in Jesus name. Don’t believe what people say about you but believe what God says about you,not by sight but by faith and because faith never lies,every declaration of yours will become flesh.


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