Appreciate Every Moment

I’ve recently had to separate with some friends I’ve had for the past 3years. You don’t realize how quickly time flies by sometimes!… Separating from them, saying good byes, reminiscing, not being certain of when you’ll meet again and all that got a bunch of thoughts running through my mind.

I tried to do a retrospect of our time together … what I did, what I wish I had done, what I didn’t do, what I wish I hadn’t done and all that… and I realized there’s actually a lot more I wished I had done, a lot more I wish I had said… but the time is gone now. I cant turn the hand of the clock. It’s too late now.

Sometimes you get just one shot at something, you miss it n that’s it! You lost your one chance! it’s gone. There’s nothing u could do about it anymore. It got me thinking how we sometimes take for granted the little moments we have with our loved ones… times when we just hang out, talk, laugh, tease each other, play together and all that… We don’t take out time to be appreciative of those little moments, to cherish them – because at the time we don’t realize how precious and priceless they are; we take them for granted.

Separating from my friends taught me a lesson I hope I don’t forget too soon. In life we really don’t get too many chances. So grab the chances you have to do or say anything before it vanishes like a passing wind. Grab every opportunity you have! And this doesn’t have to be only in your relationships. Don’t be too scared to put yourself out there and try new things. Try that challenging, seemingly impossible job if you get the opportunity, leave your family and friends and go to that new far off city/country if you can, venture into that business, career etc. Go for it! Take big leaps of faith! Just don’t waste the chances you get; because in life, you really don’t get too many.

I’ve learned to be appreciative of the things I have while working towards the things I want. I’ve learned to appreciate each passing moment and not take them for granted. Maybe that’s a lesson you should learn too.

So… after reading this. Is there anyone you’d like to call, text or talk to? Just to tell them you appreciate their presence and every moment you have with them. Go ahead and do that today… it might just be the only chance you’ll get.

Remain blessed

Apiseh N.


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