Positioning yourself to hear God

Have you ever asked yourself some questions like: Is God real? Does He really talk to people? How does He talk to people? How can I hear that voice myself without having other people tell me God told them to tell me this or that. All these questions can come up especially when you are faced with a tough situation and you have to make a decision. So today, I like to talk a little bit about positioning yourself to hear from God.  I am in no way a specialist in hearing from God but i just wish to share a few lessons I have learned from scriptures and experience to encourage you to position yourself to hear from God.

How do I position myself to hear from God?

I will first of all like us to draw a lesson from the story of Samuel, who heard the voice of God,  before we move on to a few other tips.  In 1 Samuel 3, scriptures tell us that Samuel was sleeping in the Temple. He heard the sound of his name and initially thought it was his master Eli calling him. He responded to his master’s call but it was not the master who called him. It happened again and the master said if he hears the voice again, he should say “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” Samuel obeyed and thats how God spoke to him specifically about his call/ministry.  What spurred up God’s desire to speak to Samuel and what made it possible for Samuel to hear God’s voice in the first place? In answering these questions, I will like us to look at the character of Samuel and how he positioned himself.

1.) Samuel was a faithful and Obedient Servant to his master Eli: Character speaks a lot and it is one of the main determinants of who God speaks to/uses. Looking at most of the people God used in the bible, their characters were exceptional. For example Mary. There were probably other virgins in her town but God used her because she had a servant’s heart and was faithful. He knew she will be willing to obey. In Samuel’s case, the fact that he was even sleeping in the temple is a pointer that he was probably sleeping there so he could wake up early and attend to his duties. When God called him, he immediately answered and went to see his master, an indication of his obedience even in the middle of the night. He did not grumble or pretend to be far asleep as most of us will do and because of that, Eli told him the trick to listen to God “…say speak Lord for your servant is listening.” How is your obedience to your parents, husband, pastor, boss, generally the people God placed in authority over you? It is very easy to neglect but if you don’t obey these people, how then can you obey God whom you do not see? As a matter of fact, God may hide his voice from you because he knows even if he tells you what to do, you will not follow his leading but you will always want to lead yourself.

2.) Be at the right Place to listen: You must not necessarily be in a temple/church like Samuel, but be at the right place. It could be your room, on the road, in the bathroom, on a prayer mountain, anywhere. Being at the right place simply means preparing your heart to receive from God at any time. As you put this to work, also stay away from the noise. I’m not saying don’t hangout with your friends, etc. In as much as you may not hear God’s voice by always being in a night club, you cannot equally hear his voice with a heart full of noises such as negative thoughts, evil intentions, etc. Live an upright life, putting away every act that hinders the voice of God (see Galatians 5:19-23).

3.) Read books, articles, listen to messages that edify: Most times, its difficult to even know the truth that God speaks to us. Through these books, articles, messages and other resources, we are exposed to the stories of other people, what they did and how it can work for us. Many of us spend time reading/watching the wrong things. Whatever you download into your mind is what stays in your heart and that is what you will become. “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Prov 23:7. Great figures in the bible spent their time reading books and so we should not be an exemption.  Daniel 9:2 KJV “I Daniel understood by books…” 2 Tim 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Any man of honor is a man of wisdom. Wisdom comes through knowledge and knowledge comes through reading. So engage in acquiring knowledge, for God speaks through people and it is always in line in His word. Most importantly, study the Bible.

4.) Desire to hear from God: This is the most important of all and I choose to put it last so i can emphasize on the fact that, you can employ all the above mentioned tips but without that desire to hear God’s voice, your efforts will go in vain. God is always ready to speak as long as we are are ready to listen. A desire to hear from God begins with accepting Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior. Not just knowing/hearing about him but having a close relationship with him. You may have been a Christian for 25 years. You may even be the leader of your church choir but you are not saved (born again). “Not everyone who calls me lord will enter the kingdom of God…” Matthew 7:21. So i encourage you to take that bold step and allow God to be the driver of your life.

If you wish to surrender your life to Christ so you can hear God clearly on any issue affecting your life, please click on the “PRAYER” page and you will be directed to pray the prayer of Salvation. Also feel free to send us an email so we can pray with you for divine guidance.




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