Four Reasons Why You Should Save Sex For Marriage

Nowadays, we live in a society where sex has become a casual fling, a means of entertainment with ‘no strings attached’. Something so sacred and special has been cheapened and turned into a mere physical encounter. Our highly sexualized society has been so successful in making something that totally isn’t normal seem perfectly normal and even good – ‘cool’.

Gone are the old days where staying pure until marriage was the culture – the norm. These days, all these are foreign ideas. Casual sex, one-night-stands and ‘friends with benefits’ have become the norm – the culture. From magazines, to billboards, the internet and television shows, sex is being promoted. Waiting for marriage will sound hilarious even to a teenager these days. Even those who still try to uphold the values and morals and stay pure are regarded as ‘not cool’, out-of-the-loop, weird or something other than these.

Not that sex in itself is bad, or dreadful. I’m certain it isn’t. God created sex and meant it for good – for man’s pleasure. But like every other thing He created, it has a manual – directions of use. When used outside of God’s design it will have repercussions. God designed sex to be used solely within the confines of marriage. When we move out of this design, it actually becomes detrimental to us! We sometimes find God’s instructions difficult and hard to uphold. But if you take out time to carefully examine these instructions, you’ll realize they’re actually meant for your own good. They are meant to protect you and keep you from harm. So today, I’m going to be giving you 4 reasons why you should save sex for marriage.

  1. Sex is more than just a physical encounter

The myth our society has led us to believe is that ‘sex is just sex’; there’s nothing more to it. We both have fun, derive pleasure and when it’s done, that’s it – ‘no strings attached’. Well sorry to burst the bubble but when sex happens, there are ‘many strings attached’. It isn’t just the joining of two bodies. It is the joining of two souls, two spirits. There isn’t just a physical exchange; a spiritual exchange occurs too. So you can imagine what people could get deposited in their spirits after having several sexual relationships. Soul ties could be formed. You could acquire certain behaviors from the other person. Demons could even be transferred too. Unlike the lies our society tells us, it is for your own good to have sex within the confines of marriage.

And when Schechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and defiled her. And his soul clave unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and spake kindly unto the damsel. Gen 34:2-3

  1. You avoid all the ‘Un-wanteds’

There are a lot of sexually transmitted diseases out there these days that are gotten through sexual intercourse. Waiting till marriage will save you the stress of having to worry about contracting any of these diseases. If everyone followed God’s design, we wouldn’t have to deal with many of these things are society is plagued with. Also, a lot of innocent babies are brought into this world only to be abandoned or go through a difficult life because sex is being abused by society. All the unwanted diseases and unwanted pregnancies could be avoided by waiting.

  1. It’s a sin – Fornication

It’s plain and simple like that. Regardless of what is being promoted and justified by the world, sex outside of marriage is sin and sin has its repercussions. The bible warns us against this. The sin of fornication is even more detrimental because it isn’t only a sin against God but against your own body.

Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins, a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. 2 Corinthians 6:18

  1. It helps you build real friendships

When sex isn’t involved in a relationship, it helps the couple find other ways to communicate and bond. They are forced to actually have conversations and talk to each other. They find other things to do that make them spend some quality time together getting to know each other. Sex wouldn’t cloud their minds or blind them. They can think clearly and rationally. So when they get married, they actually know each other and the relationship isn’t dependent on sex. Even without sex, there will still be a sound and healthy relationship.

So, I’d like to challenge you today to take a bold step and decide to save sex for marriage. Even if you are not a virgin, you can start all over again! That’s the beauty about the gospel of Jesus Christ – He always gives us another chance. Make a decision today to abstain from sex until you get married. Be brave enough to stand out from society or your circle of friends. I’m sure it won’t be a decision you will regret!

Remain blessed



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