Serve to be Served

We live in a very challenging world today. Everyone wishes to get to be a leader but it usually does not seem easy getting there. It’s a very good thing if everyone can be a leader in his/her domain. To lead in our various fields of life, we need to work positively hard to get there. We need to invest our time, energy, our intellect, skills etc to be exceptional leaders and through that we become examples for others to follow.

Notwithstanding, have you ever been in a situation where you think you are doing all but not still arriving where you want to be? At your present position do you feel you have invested your time, energy, intellect skills but you have not attained what you want? I do feel same sometimes but I just got inspired by these words in my mind Serve to be served!

Read Matthew 20:20-28. Key verses 25 – 28 “Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Take note of the words whoever wants to become great must be a servant.

Trusting God in difficult situations is good but we also need to know His word about the situation. Joseph was very hardworking, taking care of his father’s sheep, had to be a house keeper’ and was put in prison but all these was leading him to becoming an exceptional leader.

It is true it so disturbing when we put in all we can and we seem not to be getting there. I personally also worry about that too. But I just learned that the way to greatness is making good use of your period as a servant. A servant does not necessarily mean a house keeper. A servant means “SOMEBODY WHO SERVES ANOTHER”.  For instance, if you are an employee to someone, you are a servant. It is at the point of serving that you prepare for leadership and greatness. While focusing on attaining your goals which is very good, do not minimize your opportunity to serve. It may just be a preparatory stage.

Many youths anticipate greatness today which is a great thing but very few are ready to serve. My inspiration from the verses in Matthew today is that “My period of serving others is my preparatory period leading to where I wish to be. I will keep pressing on to reach my goal. Even if I fall, by the Grace of God, I will rise again”. In your spiritual, professional, marital life etc you can lead. Just serve and prepare to lead well. No wonder top job positions ask for years of work experience in other words, they may be wanting people who have served to take the top positions of leading.

Remember a leader simply is someone who leads others. You must not be a president to lead. You may be a leader in your church fellowship group, you may be a leader in your profession, you may be a leader at your school, you may be a leader in a friendship group etc. But to know how to lead others, you must have been led by others. Get up, stop the self-pity (because you struggle and are not yet where you want to be), keep working, keep pressing on and make use of the servant position you have now because you have to SERVE TO BE SERVED

Remain blessed

Vanessa Achu

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