Your ‘Truth’ or ‘The Truth’… What Really is Truth?

Lately, the concept of ‘self-discovery’ or finding one’s self has been sort of trending. A lot more people are not sure about who they are or why they are even here in the first place. There’s been a downward spiral in people’s emotions and overall state of being. According to the WHO, globally more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression. This has led to the rush towards ‘self-discovery’. People are trying to find themselves; they are seeking answers… they want ‘truth’.

This has led to people defining ‘truth’ for themselves. Everyone seems to have their own definition and idea of what truth means to them. It has become subjective and supposedly mutually inclusive. Apparently everyone can define and live ‘their own truth’ without causing any problems or threats. Is this really possible though?

Now let’s take the court of law for instance. There is one ‘truth’ that rules in this place and that is ‘the law’. Now suppose a murderer is condemned to a lifetime in prison by a judge based on ‘truth’ (which in this case is ‘the law) and he argues that ‘his truth’ isn’t ‘do not murder’ but ‘murder’; Now based on the rising phenomenon that everyone should be allowed to live ‘their truth’ why should this murderer be condemned to be shut behind bars for the rest of his life? After all he should be able to live ‘his truth’ and not be judged by anyone.

Truth shouldn’t be subjective.

Before looking at what ‘truth’ really is first I’d like to look at the purpose of truth. What is truth supposed to produce? What valuable thing does it provide that everyone is after it so desperately?

  • Truth provides liberty

Have you ever had to keep a secret and/or lie about something for a long period of time? If you have then you must know the inexpressible relief and freedom you feel when you finally don’t have to keep this secret or lie anymore. It’s a liberating feeling. The popular quote says; ‘The truth shall set you free’. This is exactly what truth provides us. It gives us liberty. Liberty from guilt, liberty from shame and liberty from brokenness. Truth isn’t supposed to lead us deeper into captivity but contrarily, it should lead us out of it.

  • Truth provides direction

Truth gives us a sense of direction. A sense of what is right or wrong and therefore it directs our actions accordingly. If truth doesn’t make a clear difference between what’s right or acceptable and what isn’t then I wonder if that’s truth at all…

  • Truth gives hope

Truth provides hope; hope in ourselves, hope in the future, hope in this world… For example the law provides us with the hope that justice will prevail; that the innocent will be set free and the guilty punished.

  • Truth provides peace

When the truth is established in your heart, there is a peace that should come with it. If truth doesn’t provide peace, then I think it should be questioned. If you still have some guilt, shame, doubts, sadness just an uneasiness inside of you then you probably haven’t found truth yet.

What then is this truth that everyone seems to be after? It feels almost like the forces of demand and supply are at work in this. Since ‘truth’ is being sought after so vastly, there seems to be a lot of ‘truths’ that have been thrown out for everyone to grab which seems a best fit to them. However, only one truth can exist…

Jesus is the truth – the truth that provides us liberty, peace, love, prosperity, comfort, joy and eternal life. The truth that never changes; the truth that hearts all over the world are desperately longing for but somehow finding it so hard to accept. He isn’t ‘a truth’ or ‘my truth’ but ‘THE truth’.

If you’re reading this and you haven’t found the truth yet, if only you’ll open your heart and seek Him then you’ll find him. He’s right at the door, waiting…

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 (NIV)

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Remain blessed

Apiseh N.

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