7-Days Christmas Challenge (Day 4)

Day 4! yayy! I’m super excited about this challenge and I’m honestly having so much fun doing it! I started writing my ‘7 thank yous’ from the day 3 challenge and I actually got so emotional doing that! lol. I’m loving it though! So our challenge for day 1 was buying at least 7 Christmas gifts for people other than your family; day 2 was about telling the ‘Christmas news’ to at least 7 people and Day 3 was writing a Christmas thank you to 7 of your loved ones. Now let’s look at our challenge for today

Day 4: A Christmas hug

One of my favorite aspects of Christmas is the Christmas carols. I love Christmas carols! they make Christmas even better. One of the most common carols that was sung when I was growing up is a carol about reconciliation and it says “Christmas is the time for reconciliation, Christmas is the time for forgiveness’. The words of this song stuck in me. Back then, it was just a song I sang but growing up, I began to understand the great message of this song.

Christmas is indeed a time for reconciliation and forgiveness. Jesus’ coming into this world was God’s way of reconciling with

mankind. He forgave us and gave us the most amazing gift! – salvation through Jesus. Through Jesus we were forgiven. If we’ve been forgiven all our sins, we shouldn’t hold grudges in our hearts towards others either. It’s time to iron it out!

So here’s the challenge for today:

If you are having any problems with any one, make the first move to reconciling with them and hug it out!
Also find 7 people you know can use a really nice hug this Christmas and give them one 🙂

A warm hug is soothing to the heart. 🙂

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up bones” Proverbs 17:22 NIV




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