Step 3: Clarify your Focus

In the past few days, we have been looking at a few tips to planning with God for a glorious 2018. We have seen the need to Change our Focus, Forget the past and now the need to Clarify your focus.

Clarifying your focus means to discover what God wants for you. What he wants you to do and how he wants you to do it.  In other words, perceive what God wants you to do and to perceive means to know, to care,recognize, acknowledge, be aware, etc.

What do we see when we view our lives? Do we see possibilities, successes, God making a way when there seems to be no way? What do you perceive God will do this 2018? God has given us the free will to make choices. Some of us see problems, difficulties  in the present and even in the future  and choose to live in pessimism and fear. While others see miracles, streams flowing in the desert, etc.

To discover what God wants you to do, you must first see yourself as God sees you. If we understand fully our position with God and the plans God has for us, we will never live in despair. God sees us not as we see ourselves but as the apple of his eyes. Whoever touches us touches the Lord.  Therefore, the moment you know who you are, you know anyone who dares you is daring God.

Zechariah 2:8 “This is what he lord says “after he has honored me and sent me against the nations that have plundered you-for whoever touches you, touches the apple of his eye.”

Your past may have been a wasteland but with God, he sees streams of living water flowing through you. So let us stop condemning ourselves because God will never condemn us nor leave us.

Romans 8:1 “Therefore now, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

Therefore, in planning for a glorious year, you must clarify your focus. See possibilities God sees them and commit yourself to God’s plan.

Further study: Hebrews 10:1-14zz

Remain forever blessed.

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