Guarding Your Heart Against False Prophets

In recent times there’s been a surge in the number of preachers, prophets, pastors and just ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. While this in itself is good and an absolutely wonderful thing because this gospel needs to be heard by everyone, there has certainly been some loopholes that have been left open for the enemy to exploit.

The existence of false prophets shouldn’t come as a surprise to us. Jesus spoke about it in several instances and said it was going to happen – False teachers and prophets were going to rise up and perform great signs and wonders to deceive even the elect if possible (Matthew 24:24). The devil isn’t just going to sit back and let God’s word and the truth be preached without trying to distort it. He will always try to destroy whats good and perfect and what is of God.

So the existence of false teachers/prophets is a fact and we need to beware of this and guard ourselves and our hearts against the deception the enemy perpetuates through them. Here are some ways through which we can do this:

  • Build your own relationship with God

These days sadly, some Christians think their relationship with God has got to be through a ‘man of God’ or a ‘prophet of God’ . So they run from one to the next seeking ‘a word from God’ for their lives. As much as ministers of God are a vital part of the body of Christ and contribute greatly to its growth, every Christian has access to God – to hearing him and talking to him – through Jesus. That’s the whole point of the gospel! To bring us into relationship with God through Jesus. So we’ve got to nurture and make our own personal relationships with God grow so that we don’t fall victim to the enemy’s schemes.

  • Study the word of God

One reason why ‘prophets of God’ are being highly sort after these days is because everyone wants a word from God, they want to know what God is saying about them – their lives, their families, their futures. A word from God brings hope. In a world where we are bound to face so many trying and hopeless situations, we hang on to the littlest glimpse of hope we can find and because prophets are supposed to be God’s messengers, people run after them in desperation to hear from God. We seem to have forgotten that God speaks to ALL his servants. We just have to put in the effort to sharpen our ears to hear him. The first means through which He speaks to us is through his written word. We’ve got to know this word for ourselves! What have you done with what he’s already told you before seeking to know more? Get invested into studying His word and you’ll build a strong fortress around your heart that the evil one will find it very hard to break through.

  • Listen to the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit was left with us to be our helper and guide amongst other things. When you welcome Him into your heart he comes right in and He’s ready to help and guide you. But He’s gentle. He’s not going to get involved if you do not get him involved. You’ve got to seek his guidance and let Him know His counsel is welcome. When you become in sync with the Holy Spirit, you will get warning signals and alerts each time you hear a false teaching. Your spirit wouldn’t correspond with it

  • Set your heart on seeking God for who he is and not for what he can do for you

When we fall in love with God and our hearts are set on Him – his being and his person – then it’ll be harder to get deceived. Unfortunately though, most times our hearts are after what he can offer us; wealth, fame, honor, respect, good grades and the list goes on and on. That’s when it’s easier to fall for lies and heresies. The greatest example of a man whose heart was set on God and because of that, he remained in God was David. Don’t go after ‘feel-good’ messages and shun rebuke. These days we go after the minister who says what we want to hear and who will soothe our consciences and satisfy our desires (2Timothy 4:3-4). It doesn’t work that way unfortunately. Rebuke and correction will make us grow and bring us closer to God. We shouldn’t be afraid to hear it.

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world… they are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. (1 John 4:1 & 5-6)


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