Unlocking Your Super Powers

MAGIC. As children we always loved demonstrations of magic tricks, the transformation of one thing to another the awe in the surprise and the unknown. Even now as adults some of us still enjoy the super hero movies…people with these amazing powers who can do the most amazing things that all seem like magic to us by virtue of the fact that we cannot do them, we do not understand them, we are awed by the demonstrations, we are happy when the good guys win, etc. Remember the last movie you watched in which the good guy finally triumphed and did the unexpected? That ‘awwww’ moment in which your hairs stand on end? Yup that’s the feeling I am talking about.
‘There is magic in the world’ a popular catch phrase for movies, yes I am still on the movie thing…but here is the hook, this statement is entirely true….

There is a kind of magic and it is in us. All of us.

How do we unlock this magic? In Believe.

What is this magic? Faith.

In Mathew 21:21 – 22 we read ‘…I assure you that if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what I have done to this fig tree, but also you can say to the mountain, Get up and throw yourself into the sea and it will. If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer’.

I definitely know I want to be able to do that, do you? Jesus uses this dramatic example but in truth, it falls on the level of the simpler things we can do with Faith and he is telling us, doing this great thing is possible. Doing anything is possible. Do you believe him? Yes! Because FAITH is God’s gift to us as an eventuality of our existence. That one Key to unlocking those deeds that seem like miracles and…yup magic.( I am seriously resisting the impulse to smile here)
Now how much faith is enough? Jesus tells us in Mathew 17:20 ‘If you have faith as small as a Mustard seed…’ That seed is really small but that is how very little faith we could use to start doing great things and show off God’s Grace and mercy in our lives. We currently have so much we need, so much we want, so much we are asking God for, but God is telling us that he can give us all this through faith.

Mathew 15: 28. ‘By your faith you are healed’ we have seen or heard this in our bible studies and Christ always said his powers comes from the father and with this power through our faith he gives us what we desire and in this way we are intricately connected to our heavenly father.
Faith is our key, it is our magic power. Let us all grow our faith by casting aside doubt (Mathew 14:31) and believing in our Lord Jesus Christ (John 11:26), for all the amazing things he has already done in our lives all those disappointments and all the blessings and for all he is about to do. Now it is not easy to cast aside all doubt…but this is what we must do. Believe with all your heart that God is going to grant you your needs and he will. No what ifs, no maybes. When you ask for it, it is done. This is very hard but that is faith. I often find myself asking for this big…really big thing and not seeing how the Lord can make it happen, but it’s not our place to wonder how it is done but to believe it so and let God do his thing. We must remember that our loving father uses each and every one of us to do his bidding and he often grants our wishes through our neighbors. There for we must love or neighbors as ourselves.
If you want to achieve your dreams work hard towards them and believe they are done. There should be no room for doubt. Our God is powerful and he is asking us to let him answer our prayers, we just need to believe and have faith. I once read somewhere that ‘without testing faith is nothing’. For our faith to grow we must be tested through our trials, difficulties, temptations. I know I have some growing to do. May Romans 15:13 give you hope and blessings.

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