Hello and welcome to the month of April…THE RESURRECTION MONTH…. I am excited to share my resurrection experience with you.
I opened my eyes while in bed on the 1st of April (April Fool’s Day). I stared at the ceiling for a while… then some weird thoughts came to mind, reminding me of the mistakes I made in the past. My mind was telling me “Girl…. its the 1st of April. What are you doing? You are 4 months gone into the year and you are at the same position. I kept talking to myself and asking God all the “WHY” questions. Why am i here. Why did i not do this or that. The more I kept asking questions, I felt more depressed and for a moment I felt like am good for nothing. What I planned for the 1st quarter of the year has not happened yet. So I kept wondering whether this year will be as tough as last year. Indeed I had a big stone in my heart. In my wild thoughts came this bell ringing…it was the resurrection morning and we had to go in search of Jesus at the tomb. I stretched out of bed and got ready for this time in God’s presence. Just like the women who went to look for Jesus, I asked myself, who will roll this stone away? (Mark 16:3)Who will take away this depression. How do I move over to the next phase of my life or that glorious destiny God has planned for me? I was on a prayer mountain…but the more I prayed for a divine encounter, it seemed more like God was far away from me. So where do I start from?
After the solemn candle lit service, we took the candles to the grave to announce the joy of resurrection. Then the pastor said “DRY BONES SHALL RISE AGAIN” wow. Asking myself again. Are dry bones only people in the grave? What makes me different from a dry bone looking at the various road blocks and stagnant waters in my life? But this time, even as i wondered, the words DRY BONES SHALL LIVE AGAIN kept echoing in my ears. Then another phrase said “DRY BONES HEAR THE WORD OF GOD”…..Ok…. Could this be God speaking to me? Yes?No? How could I even tell who was talking when I had glued my mind to a particular way I wanted to hear God speak? For a moment I stood still and it occurred to me that was the voice of God speaking even though it came through a mere mortal. But I still wondered in doubts. Then came the actual worship service and another word came from the preacher saying “I DON’T KNOW WHAT STONE YOU HAVE IN YOUR HEART AND YOU MAY BE WONDERING WHO WILL ROLL THE STONE AWAY BUT AS YOU CAME IN SEARCH OF CHRIST, THE ANGEL OF THE LORD IS HERE SAYING THE STONE HAS BEEN ROLLED AWAY. JUST BELIEVE AND GO HOME.” Okay….these words hit me hard on the head and indeed the stone was rolled away and I could think straight, make new plans with God and get out of my pit.
Am not just narrating a story or testimony but I am here to share a few truths with you from my experience. Am still striving to be where I want to be but I choose to enjoy every step of the way, learning new lessons as God teaches me and of course sharing with you as we partner in faith. So here are a few things I learned.
1.) No matter how deep the pit is, its never late too late to step out.
2.) Do not bring God to human standards and expect him to talk to you the way you want and tell you what your itchy ears want to hear. (2Timothy 4:4)
3.)Dry bones do not just refer to skeletons in the grave but to that dead situation in your life and as you speak the word of God over your life, believe that every dry bone (bad situation or mistake) will come back to life. (Ezekiel 37:1-14)
4.) Be alert at every time. Expect an answer from God even in the very little things that we despise. He may speak through your 5 year old kid, through anointed pastors/servants of God or through that still small voice. (1Kings 19:11-13).
5.)There are a few things that prevent us form hearing the voice of God : Self Pity, Regrets, Bitterness, Fear/Doubt, Pride and Depression. The Lord will cause His Majestic voice to be heard when you enter his presence with songs of praise on your lips and He will destroy your enemies. (Isaiah 30:29-31)
I pray that someone reading this message finds an answer to that worry on your mind and let the angel roll every stone away as you believe and trust in the one who never fails.
Enjoy the best of God this season and i look forward to sharing in your testimonies.
I feel like God has abandon me because of my sins there too much and i am breaken down
Please i need help to reconnect with God without fear that he is not listerning any more