Patience is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We have been listening and hearing God’s word all our lives but I dare to say we haven’t heard because the words haven’t been registered. There’s a lot of impatience in the world today. We always want things our way and the moment it doesn’t go our way we look for alternative methods. Faith in God never fails, hence even if things don’t go your way, keep trusting, keep believing and God will answer because He is not man that He should lie. What He says is what He will do. He honours His words more than His name. What has He said about your situation?Hold on to it and don’t get impatient because in His time He makes all things beautiful.
What then is Patience?
Patience is the ability to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or when dealing with problems or difficult people. It has to do with with bearing pains or trials calmly or without complain, not being hasty or impetuous but rather,to be steadfast despite opposition, difficulty or adversity. The Bible says, they that wait on the Lord shall have their strength renewed. They shall soar on eagle’s wings. Abraham was promised a child at the age of 75 but only received a child at 100. He waited for 25years. Hannah waited while her co-wife mocked her, Sarah waited even after menopause and at the end she conceived. All those who waited in scripture ended up great. Because they were patient, God glorified them. No one can receive from God unless he or she is patient. Untill you wait to the  end you shall  not receive  the  golden crown. Therefore dear friends Be Patient. God is calling on us to wait.
How then should we wait on God?
1. Wait in the place of prayer.
Only those who communicate with God can wait. Patience is of God. He alone can make make us patient.
2. We should learn to endure.
If we must arrive at our goals, we must endure. Hebrews 6:9-12, calls on us not to be lazy rather to be conscious of our relationship with God. Our relationship with God is Paramount. God will only recognize us,if our names are in his book. If God has our hearts,we will wait because He will speak to us. Don’t depend on anyone but on God alone. The Bible says, it may tarry but it shall surely come to pass and people will come rushing to see what God has done for you. We may not have it when we want it but God will give it to us at the perfect time.
3. When waiting on God, we should not get tired. 
There is Peace and a sure end for every believer. The end for God’s children is eternal life. So knowing that this is our end,why chase the winds? Keep seeking God and every other thing will be given unto you.
4. If we want to receive, we must give.
Patience goes with activities. Don’t go and sit somewhere that you’re waiting. Rather,be fully involved in kingdom things, meditate on the word of God concerning your situation, ask from God with respect to what His word has said. We must know God’s word in other to pray and when we pray we must wait. We must also have goals and work towards them.
Dear friends, crying may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. If you haven’t gone through a situation, you can’t encourage others. God has to use some people to show others the right track to follow. Those who wait,will definitely make use of what God will give. Ishmael didn’t make use, but when Isaac came there was use. When we wait, everyone will come to us for solution. Wait till you see it come to pass. God’s gift doesn’t give you sorrow it brings peace and joy. Wait for Gods gift that will bring you peace and joy.Be Patient.
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One thought on “BE PATIENT

  1. Muyu says:

    Wowww this is amazing. I will not get tired of waiting! Even though it tarries it will definitely come to pass. Thanks for the inspiring write up. God bless u

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