Love even When Everything Around Says Hate


I learnt of a young vibrant lady in her early 20’s who loved with all she had, she gave her heart, her time, her body, finances and all she could offer just for love. However, at the end, she had the worst heartbreak ever. She went away not only with a broken heart but also with a heart filled with hate and a broken hope.

Now some people will say, she was a loser and did not use her brains well, others will say she was just unfortunate, that is how life is just move on and some will say she was careless. However, how does such a person be told to love again after such an experience? How would she forgive and forget? How will she sacrifice again? How will she be selfless and give all again?
Writing this, I find it challenging to say love no matter the hurt. However, I will still say;

Love even when everything says hate because Love is the greatest of all, it wipes out a multitude of sin; it heals deep wounds better than any panacea on earth.

Someone will ask; but how would I forget all the hurt and hatred around me and love instead? I will propose a simple four-step rule to follow:

1. Channel your focus and heart to a greater purpose
Get a believe system, find a purpose in life and channel your energy towards achieving it. What I do is; put my trust in God, rely on Him for my happiness and fulfilment, and focus on building my purpose and work for a better eternity. What will you do? Make a decision and start taking steps today!

2.  See people as human beings and not supernatural beings
Yes man was created in Gods image, but man is not God nor is he a supper being. He is just man with so many flaws and weaknesses. Never expect man to please you 100%, never expect your joy and fulfillment to come from your relationships . Men are prone to failure and to disappoint, so limit your expectations of them because you will always be disappointed. Instead, strive to see others better off than you (Philippians 2:3-4) strive to be an example for others to follow but don’t get mad when they do not. Just be contented you did your part.

3. Look out for the good in the world
Despite all the hate happening in your world, always remember a beautiful and loving God created it. Therefore there must be something good in this world that can make you smile or happy, look out for those things, even in the darkest moments you go through- to every dark cloud, there’s a silver lining.

4. Be keen to pick out the lessons in all the hate and hurts in every difficult situation.

In any failure, in every hurt, there is an under lying lesson to be learned. I have experienced many failures in my life and in each failure; there has been an interesting lesson to learn. Rather than look at the hate and cry, look at it and smile because you know that at the end of it all you will go back a better version of you. The famous story of Job in the bible is a good example of this.

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One thought on “Love even When Everything Around Says Hate

  1. Muyu says:

    Amazing write up on love and love=life=sacrifice. No love no life nor sacrifice.No matter how bad we treated we should not get tired of showing love and above all we shouldn’t give up on love. I have tried several times to give up on love because I think pipo take me for granted but the Bible keeps making me to understand that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us by sacrificing him self for us and this motivates me alot . Who am I not to love . Tnks alot Peche

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