Victimized By Doubt

Doubt is a powerful weapon of the devil; he uses this weapon to cripple the human race. Everyone has faced or faces some sort of doubt at a given point in their lives. The devil uses doubt because it is a powerful tool to steal God’s blessings from His creation. From the beginning of creation, in the days of Adam and Eve till today, the devil has always used doubt. Doubt cripples its victim, it prevents its victim from possessing his / her possession, it takes away the blessings that have been made available to the individual, and it renders its victim stagnant.
But why does mankind and children of God most especially, still fall prey to doubt despite its terrible consequences? This is because of failure to properly recognize the source and effects of doubt upon our lives. A doubt free live is a prosperous, happy, joyful and thankful life, and since the devil hates our happiness, he will constantly bring up doubt at every stage. The following tips will be very helpful in living a life free of doubt and therefore accessing are prosperity on earth.

1.  Find Out and Believe God’s Promises for Your Life

If the creator and owner of the earth and everything in it (Psalm 24:1) tells us not to doubt Him, why then should we doubt? God’s promises are yes and Amen, He says His plans for you are to prosper you, to give you hope and a future (Jerimiah 29:11). Why then does doubt set in? When we have confidence in God and His promises, we will never be victims of doubt because we will stand firm in every circumstances. Let us overcome doubt by believing God’s promises for us, let our physical eyes or what we see around us not cause us to doubt, may God’s promises be our guiding tool and weapon in overcoming every form of doubt.

2. Refuse to Listen to the Deceptive Voices that Push You to Doubt

Doubt usually sets in when we are expecting something, or when we hope to achieve something. At this time the devil, the thief silently works in with his strategy by causing situations and people around us to tell us we cannot make it. Once we start giving in to the deceptive voices in our environment, doubt will set in and consequently steal our achievements, expectations and blessings from us. We must therefore be alert and conscious especially when we are expecting or hoping for something, we must stand firm, rebuking and denying every deceptive voice so that doubt will not set in. Joseph the dreamer (Genesis 41) refused to doubt God despite the many hurdles he faced, and because of his determination, he eventually became Prime Minister of Egypt, Job stood his ground in the midst of affliction refusing to doubt God, and all his loss possessions were restored in greater proportions than before.

3. Know That No Two Situations are The same

Doubt usually sets in when people tend to cling to the past, when they face similar situations as in the past, they immediately come to a conclusion, consequently doubt takes control and renders them failures. God says we should not cling to the events of the past, rather we should look at the new thing that He is already doing for us. Also, doubt arises when we are afraid, and this fear may come from the failures we see in our environment probably in the lives of our peers. When these occur we tend to generalize which causes us to panic and consequently give in to doubt. No two situations are the same; because person A has failed does not mean that Person B will automatically fail.

Doubt is a strategy widely used by the devil to cripple children of God; he uses this strategy to steal the blessings and prosperity made available by God to His children. Unless we identify and recognize this, we will forever be victimized by doubt. Hold on to God, stand firm in faith, put a final end to the thief called doubt and you will no longer be victimized by it, neither will you be its slave, and God’s word and promises will definitely prevail in your life.

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