COMPROMISE (A hindrance to your enthronement). Part A.

HELLO BRETHREN, Welcome to a new month. Much has been said concerning this month of August but for you, it is the month of New beginnings and a month of Praise. May God put a new song on your lips as you walk in step with the spirit.

Today, I will like us to talk a little about a serious issue affecting most Christians and that’s the issue of Compromise. Many times we take certain things for granted be it in our career choices, relationship choices, and our Faith. Because God has given us the power of choice, the devil uses it as a serious weapon against us, making it inevitable to acquire knowledge to put an end to his devices.


By a very simple definition, Compromise means to accept a standard that is lower than is desirable.

There are many areas of compromise but I will like us to look first and foremost on compromise in Relationships. At the first mention of relationships, everyone will most likely only think about Girlfriend/boyfriend relationships. Well, that’s part of it, but I will like to break it into 2 parts. (i) Relationship with God, (ii) Relationship with One another. For this session, I will look at Compromise in Relationship with God.

1.) Relationship with God.

There are many things to say about Christians compromising their standards and settling low for the things of the world. Most times, we take advantage of the mercy of God that has been made available to us and keep on sinning. Most people are of the opinion that we can do this or that, God will understand. Sometimes I ask myself why Christians who “devote their lives to Christ”remain at the same level with people who purport to be Christians but are one leg in and one leg in. Then I received this revelation that most times, its just the compromise. We have become so familiar with God and have brought him down to our level. We know so much about his love and mercy that we can easily find our way around it. But there are a few things and WARNINGS we must understand from scripture.

I.) Jeremiah 5:25 ” Your iniquities have turned these things away, and your sins have withheld good things from you.” 

If you desire good things and a change of level, you must stay away from iniquity and all forms of compromise. Always avoid the “God will understand” concept and strive to serve God with everything in you. Do not become so familiar with God that you no longer have time for the knowledge of His word and even if you do, you ignore it. It only leads to doom.

ii.) 1Corinthians 10:12 ” So if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall.” 

This is another area of compromise in our walk with Christ. After becoming so familiar with God as mentioned above, the next thing is for the Christian not to desire spending time in the Word. Many times, we feel like praying of reading the word and then something comes up. Immediately we end the prayers and head off. Whereas it was not a pressing need at the time. Other times, we even wonder away in thoughts in the midst of prayers. For example you start praying and remember something you had to do that you have not done. Most times, they may not even be important things but it takes our focus off the prayers even though we are in a prayer posture. Then we thank God for making us remember that thing and forget what the Holy Spirit was prompting us to pray. So we loss touch. After this occurs, we just hide under the concept “God knew my intention and He looks at the heart.” When we easily give in to these thoughts, the devil takes hold of us and keeps draining away the desire to be in God’s presence, hence pulling us away from God. When you eventually fall, you are in the worst state than a person who has never been saved.

There is much to be said about compromise but I pray that the Holy Spirit will help us meditate upon these few introductory concepts as I trust God to meet you again in the 2nd part.

Enjoy the best of God this August and beyond.



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