My Identity.

Hello Brethren, its such an honor to share with you at the start of a new month. Its the 9th month and I believe we all know how important the number 9 is as Christians and even in biological science. Ok just a little clue to it in case you are wondering what I mean. Jesus died at the 9th hour on the Cross and he said “It is Finished” of course we know all the events that followed after he said this. Also a woman is pregnant 9 months and the 9th month is the month of delivery. So I wish to start by encouraging you to trust in God  this 9th month more than ever before for the delivery of your breakthrough package. So believe that it is done. Of course, you can’t get full delivery of your breakthrough package without knowing your identity in Christ. Thats what we will be talking about today.

What is Identity:

Identity is a condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is; the qualities, beliefs, that distinguishes or identifies a person or thing. ( Therefore your identity in Christ is what distinguishes you from other people especially Christians. There are many “Christians” who do not know who they are or their identities in Christ or what God created or wants them to do hence they find themselves  where they don’t want to be, trying to be who they are not, doing what they are not called to do. I believe this little message will enlighten us a little bit about the concept of identity and also some scriptures to help our understanding.

Where can I find my Identity?

There is just one simple answer to this question. If you buy a new laptop or any electronic gadget, there is always a user manual that comes with it. In the user manual, you find the uses and functions of the gadget as intended by the manufacturer. The same occurs in life. If you are wondering who you are or what you were made to do, its but normal to go back to the manufacturer of your life to get answers. The manufacturer is God the father almighty. Ephesians 2:4-7, Psalms 139, Jeremiah 1:5.

Where NOT to find my identity.

Many people suffer in life because we find our identity in the wrong places. Here are a few places or things wish should not define your identity.

  • People: People will do no other thing than condemn you. But God will never condemn you. John 8:1-11.
  • Your problems: Most people identify themselves by their problems. e.g my high blood, my diabetes, my bankruptcy, my this my that. This should not be so as it only helps you to keep thinking low of yourself.
  • Profession: Yes, you can identify yourself by your profession but what if you get into a situation where you make a mistake. For example you are a lawyer and make a mistake in a pleading in court and your client receives a jail sentence. You can think all your legal education was a waste of time and you can think you may never make it in that profession. That’s why you don’t need to base your identity on your profession because it may fail you sometimes. There are many others but I just mentioned a few.
Consequences of finding Your identity in Christ.
  • It changes the way you think and live. 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • When we identify in/with Christ our change of identity changes and remoulds our destinies. For example Gideon (Judges 6:1-11), Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 17:5 and 15)
  • We are sure of constant protection and provision. Psalms 23.
Action Plan

With all these things and revealed truths what should our assignment be? I wish to encourage all of us to do the following and put the devil of stagnation to shame.

1.) See your self as God sees you. How does God see you or what does he say about you in His word?

  • You are a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:1)
  • The righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21)
  • We have been healed. (1 Peter 2:24)
  • We have been made rich (2 Corinthians 8:9)
  • We are accepted (Ephesians 1:6)
  • The head not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13)
  • Call those things that are not as though they were. (Romans 4:17)

I wish you the best  on your journey to identity discovery and may you enjoy the best of God this last quarter of the year.


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