Three Characteristics of a Pure Heart


These days, scrolling down any of my social media pages, I come across lots and lots of “sayings”, “quotes” and just a bunch of information. This is definitely the age of “knowledge”. Sometimes I can’t decide if this increase in “knowledge” is a blessing or a curse.

Well, one of such quotes I’ve come across is one by the famous Oprah. She says “if you’re not speaking your own truth, you will never be able to be all you are meant to be“. Reading through this, it could make a lot of sense if you don’t pause for a second and think about it. This idea of everyone supposedly having their own “truth” is being perpetuated into society, encouraging and deceiving a lot of people to continue living in sin in the name of living “their own truth”. (Check out this article for more in this topic)

That’s why we need to have hearts that can discern what’s right and what isn’t. We need to be more alert and awake spiritually. In the previous article (check it out here), I talked about doing a quick heart test before being quick to accept every teaching you hear. You let your heart guide you… but not just any kind of heart, a PURE HEART. What then is a pure heart?

1. A Heart Controlled by the Spirit of God

The spirit of God is pure and He leads us to the truth. Eventhough most people  refuse to notice or agree, we live in a highly spiritual world. Everything we see physical isn’t always as it is. There’s so much more happening in the spiritual realm (Yes sis! There IS a spiritual realm). With so many different spirits influencing people these days, the Spirit of God is the one spirit that we can trust to lead us in the right path. There’s no evil in him. If we surrender our hearts totally to Him, he will lead us in the right path and help us not to fall into the lies of this age

2. An Unharderned Heart

As human beings, adults especially, we sometimes find it very difficult to let go and let someone else have the control even when it could be for our own good. Sometimes we are just too stuck up with our own ideas and what we’ve been accustomed to for so long that we refuse to open up our hearts and minds to learn, ask questions and seek answers, research, try out and find out things for ourselves, but above all, open up our hearts and give God a chance and let Him have his way.

3. A Heart full of love.

These days, everyone seems to have their own definition of what love is (Just like almost everything else! This is definitely a ‘selfie’ world! lol). We hear  statements like; ‘let love lead’ or ‘love wins’ and so much more like that. While these are totally true statements in themselves, the intentions behind them aren’t always so. Condoning with sin in the name of ‘love’ is definitely not true love because sin destroys both here on earth and in eternity. True love wouldn’t see your sister doing something that will destroy her and say ‘I love her, so she can do whatever she wants!’ I mean that just doesn’t make sense! A pure heart is heart led by love – true love. True love is Jesus. 1Corithinians 13:4-8 gives us the perfect definition of what true love is.

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3 thoughts on “Three Characteristics of a Pure Heart

    • Hello,
      We are delighted that you desire to know more about the love of Jesus. Please visit our previous articles on this website. We have lots of amazing write ups that will tell you more about the father and His heart of love towards us. We’ll love to hear from you if you have any further questions or concerns. Remain blessed.

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