Products Of Grace


Thank God we have been able to study Grace which can be seen as the precious gift we received from God which we don’t merit. It is God’s enabling Power and spiritual healing offered to us by God through the mercy and love of Christ Jesus

We have been able to look at




Indeed God did demonstrate for all time to come the extraordinary greatness of His grace in the love He showed us in Christ Jesus (Eph2:7). The manifestation of the Extraordinary greatness in his love and grace makes us amazing products of grace. Since we have received with a believing heart His Grace upon our lives, we can never be the same again. We carry an identity or qualities of Christ Jesus our mediator.

What then are some of the qualities we can identity in persons who have accepted and received the grace of God?

  • Firstly, grace products are lifted up and they exist above situations. Such as sin, reproach, compromise etc.
  • They who have received the grace of God wear the attitude of humility and modesty as a reflection of the lifestyle of those who have graciously received. God’s gifts.(Rom12:3)
  • Grace products are made friends and co-heirs of the kingdom of God. (Eph2:16-19).we are given the opportunity to inherit the kingdom of God together with the saints
  • If we truly receive the abundant grace of God, we would be able to identify the varied talents buried in us, exploit these gifts and use them for the glory of God.
  • Grace products are able to use the different talents and gifts they have in partnership with one another for God’s work, encourage one another, strengthen the weak and spread the good news of the abundance and availability of God’s grace to those who live in ignorance.
  • They who receive God’s grace are ambassadors of Christ. They preach Christ, live Christ and have their lives rooted in Christ Jesus(2cor2:14-15).
  • Grace products receive a newness of life.
  • They receive favor from God and from man.

These and many more are the qualities or call them benefits of accepting and receiving the grace of God. The results of grace are not just spoken by word of mouth but should be seen in our attitudes, actions and interactions with people..We should speak Christ by living Christwho is the means by which we have received Grace

Now the question

Are you a product of Grace??

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