The Function of Grace. (Above Limitations)

Hey all, I hope we’ve had a Glorious month of May. Last week, we established the Characteristics of Grace Carriers. (Products of Grace). This last week of May, we will continue looking at the working of Grace in the Life of  Christian. That is, after identifying yourself as a product of Grace how does is Grace in your Life?


Many times we desire to do things, to scale certain heights and to achieve certain dreams and even beyond our dreams. We see ourselves unfit for certain tasks by our own human understanding but the Grace of God is the sufficient factor that pushes us forward. I will like us to take a queue from 2 biblical Narratives.

  • The Story of Moses (Exodus 2 and 3).
  • The Conversion of Saul to Paul (Acts 9).

Looking at the story of Moses and Paul, we understand that grace takes us above limitations. Moses by virtue of his birth as a Hebrew male was supposed to be killed at birth, but it was God’s grace that saved him. It was the grace of God that surrounded everything around his birth that made it possible for him not to be killed but to be brought up by the enemy, under the roof of Pharoah the one who passed the decree against male children. It was also out of sheer grace Moses as a nobody was chosen to go to Pharoah to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Saul by virtue of his status wasn’t fit to preach Christ, but God’s grace found him out and used him. So we learn that as Christians, nothing limits us. Our status, our background, our shortcomings, they don’t stop God from using us. It is the grace of God that qualifies us

In the case of Saul, he was a persecutor of Christians. He did not even want to hear anyone talking Christ but God had predestined that he was the one to preach the good news to both Jews and Gentiles. God said “he is a chosen vessel of mine ti bear my name before gentiles, kings, and the Children of Israel.” (Romans 9:15). Saul could have never counted himself worthy of handling the Gospel but with God our limitations, even limitations of sin are nothing when it comes to His salvation and liberation plan.

Through these narratives, we can draw the following truths:

  • Grace Sets us far above our limitations.
  • Grace takes us where we would never have imagined.
  • Grace is greater than our sin.
  • Grace is always available when you make yourself available.

Therefore, I speak to you dear reader, maybe you have been called upon to perform a job, carry out an assignment, lead some people, or whatever the case may be, there is no limit to how far you can go with Grace. God created each of us – you and me – as His masterpiece, His workmanship; to do the good works He planned for us long ago. This is what scripture tells us in Ephesians 2:10.


Remain Forever Blessed.


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