Some Important Character Traits Christian Singles Should Nurture

Are you among the lot who think, Mr. Right will make your dreams in life come true?  Hear this;

Incompleteness isn’t as a result of being single but not being full of Jesus.

We’re complete only with Jesus, hence as a Christian be happy you’re single and let God use you in your season of singlehood for His glory.

When two incomplete singles get married, their union will not make them complete. Their marriage will rather be one of two incomplete people trying to find completeness in one another. Completion is Jesus’ responsibility hence as Christian singles we’re expected to show forth certain characteristics.

Develop a love relationship with Christ: Take advantage of your time as a single to get busy with the things of God. Ruth chose to cling to Naomi’s God. She diligently worked at what she could and God sent a man to protect and provide for her. Boaz recognized her devotedness to the Lord and remarked about it when he said “may the Lord reward your work and wages.As a single use your time to commit to God and as you seek Him with all your heart all else that you seek will be added unto you.

Be pure: We live in a world of blatant sexual impurity. 80% of most unmarried women have given away their virginity. Ruth lived in society of moral decay but she was a lady of purity. God wants you as a single to be pure so as to protect you from the consequences that sex before marriage brings.

Have faith: Ruth chose to trust God with her future. She looked not with sensual eyes but through eyes of faith. She chose to trust with her heart for the future, what eyes couldn’t see. God providentially directed her to the field of Boaz. God rewarded Ruth’s faith and will reward yours as well dear Christian single.

Have the capacity to wait: Ruth chose to cling to God when her mother in-law was bitter on God. Contentedly facing each day’s task, Ruth received the attention and blessing of the eligible bachelor in town. Women experience much needless pain when they run ahead of God. Being single can be difficult enough for a woman but the heartbreak of being led on by a man can dangerously lead you to a ditch of discontentment. Hence as a Christian single it is very necessary to learn to wait on God. God’s time is always the best and His gifts add no sorrow.

Be contented: Ruth had every reason to be discontented looking at her past failures but she chose to cling to God, facing her day’s tasks in contentment. When your happiness in life is based on your terms the result is a hollow of gladness and true contentment as a single comes only from God.

To marry a prince you must first become a princess. Boaz was also attracted to the virtue and character displayed in Ruth’s life. A woman of virtue is irresistible to a godly man. In Ruth 2; 10-11, Boaz said all that you’ve done for your mother in law after the death of your husband has been fully reported to me…. The beauty of a woman as stated in 1Peter3;4, should be that of inner self, unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is of great worth in Gods sight. To marry a prince you must first be a princess. The characters you want to see in a man, first possess them. Rebecca did more than wait, she was a hard worker, she worked full time for her father tending his sheep (Gen 24;15-16). Rebecca was therefore, not a lazy woman but one of noble character, she extended her hands to the poor, she was kind. Are you becoming a virtuous woman that a man may need as a helpmate? Are you using these days of your singlehood to develop godliness in other that if asked you will be ready? Godly character attracts.
Need to be secured: Insecurity causes one to cling to a relationship. When the man isn’t with you, you fear he won’t come back. Insecurity causes jealousy and many other vices. Women do so because they feel God might not give them a man. God gives us the choice between His plans and ours. Only God has all things in view, don’t settle for less than Gods best.

Don’t view the trials of singleness as irritating grains of sand to be discarded as quickly as possible.Realize that God has them there to create something beautiful in you.

Ruth experienced many irritations or trials, she grieved the deaths of her father in-law, husband, in a strange land, she was thrown into a new working situation, through all this stress her faith began to wrap itself around painful situations, the by product was a pearl from the washbasin of Moab. God is using the sands of your singleness to make you perfect and complete.

Ruth 1-3 and Genesis 24

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