Abundant Grace

Hebrews 4:15-16

ThisHigh Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our Gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find Grace to help us when we need it.’
In the month of May, we dwelled on Grace, what Grace is, the purpose of Grace, the product of Grace etc. (Please you can visit our write-ups in May for more on Grace).

I have recently faced some very difficult moments in life which I call a wilderness season. At such times it seemed like the things I wished to have at the moment were far fetched. I put in my efforts but I could not get hold of what I really wanted. Others joined their efforts with mine but I did not still get out of that wilderness season. I then realized that I needed something more than human efforts. I needed the Grace of God to go through these difficult moments and the Grace of God is made evident through Jesus. So what I needed to go through all the hard times is JESUS. Turning to God especially through prayer, meditating on the word of God, fellowship with other Christians really helped me go through the tough days.Hebrews 4:16 makes us understand that Grace is abundantly available and we can access Grace by coming to God and this Grace will help us when we need it most. During my tough times, I can say I really perceive how the Grace of God enables me to go through certain situations I believe I cannot handle on my own.

John 11 records the story of Lazarus who lived with his sisters Mary and Martha. Lazarus was sick meaning he was going through a difficult season. So his sisters needed a solution Lazarus’ illness and they immediately sent a message to Jesus telling Him about Lazarus’ sickness. They surely did this because they knew what Lazarus needed most to see him through this difficult moment was Jesus (the Grace of God). They also knew all they needed was to access the throne of Grace by calling on Jesus and they will receive Grace. When Jesus arrived Bethany, Lazarus was already dead but Jesus spoke with Martha and Mary assuring them that Lazarus was going to live again. I believe these words of assurance from Jesus helped Mary and Martha go through a period of hardship caused by the death of their brother Lazarus. At the end of this narrative, Jesus raised Lazarus from death.
Sometimes in our lives, we feel like we are in a wilderness (a season of hardship and trials). That’s the way Mary and Martha problably felt during the season of their brother’s sickness and death. All they did was access God’s throne of Grace and God’s grace made evident through Jesus was there to take them through that season and what Jesus did by raising Lazarus from death was exceedingly above what Mary and Martha expected. We live in times when wars, illnesses, unemployment, divorce, poverty, corruption, indiscriminate killings etc have become so common. Things may seem very hard for us in certain seasons of our lives. We are broken and scarred by the terrible things happening around us. The good news is that same Grace made evident in Jesus who raised Lazarus from the death is still available for us today. All we need to do is to come to the throne of our Gracious God and we would find Grace to help us through every situation we face. Jesus will lift up your burden and grant you peace beyond human understanding.

Come to Jesus just as you are. He is waiting with opens hands and you will find Grace to help us when we need it most. This Grace is Abundant. All you need to do is just to approach God’s throne of Grace. Communicate with God in prayer. Genuinely seek Him wholeheartedly and you will find Him. God loves you more than you can imagine and is ready to receive you. All you need to do is come just as you are, broken and scared, just come to Him. His Grace is Abundant.

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3 thoughts on “Abundant Grace

  1. Henok Estifanos says:

    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    My name is Henok Estifanos from Ethiopia.

    I am involved in a ministry that works on Children and Youth Evangelism,and Discipleship programs in rural villages where electricity and Internet are not accessible.

    My inquiries are: And Are your resources and training available in Amharic language ? How can I work with you to reach people in densely populated rural areas in Ethiopia?

    Also- I would like to work with you if you have English to Amharic translation projects.


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