Dear reader,

We hope you have been enriched this month of September with our messages on “ABUNDANCE”. God wants us to get to the place of abundance and when you walk in abundance, you experience rest on every side. You have no worries or concerns because you have all you need and more to give out to other people. Abundance is your right in redemption. Is it abundant health? He says “Healing is the Children’s bread.” (Matthew 15:22-29). Is it abundant harvest for farmers or sowers? He says “those who sow in tears shall reap with songs of joy.” (Psalms 126:5). Is it abundant wealth? He says “He became poor that we might be made rich.”(2 Corinthians 8:9) Is it direction? He says “Call unto me and I will answer thee and show you great and marvelous things you know nothing about.” (Jeremiah 33:3). Is it for the fruit of the womb? He says “No one will suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land;I will fulfill the number of your days.” (Exodus 23:26). There is absolutely no reason why we should be sick, stagnated, poor, barren or face difficulties in life because all these are part of God’s abundant plan for us. As Paul says, “God will supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19).

However, it is rather unfortunate that many people still go through all these things mentioned above and are suffering because they have not known these promises or even if they have read them, they have not grasped the deeper revelation of the promises. That’s why God says “My people perish because of lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)

But the good news is that today, we will unravel certain truths so can examine our lives and see where we have missed the point in order to redress our steps to the place of abundance. So the question  is “how do I access my place of abundance? Or how do I unlock the gate of abundance?”

1.) Believe:

Every time we talk about believing, someone can just get bored at hearing it because its like a song we hear in every church, on the streets, at home, etc. So if you have this feeling every time you hear the word believe, then this point is for you. It is a sign that you have not yet believed. In order to access the provisions of God who created everything for his pleasure and by extension our pleasure, you must believe. Believing is not just about saying you believe the words you have heard or read. It is about giving a deep thought about it and taking a commitment in your heart. After the commitment in the heart then you can voice it out and speak to someone about your commitment or believe so you can see the manifestation of it. “For with the heart one believes unto to righteousness and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.”(Romans 10:10). This is the first step to entering into God’s rest (place of abundance). “For he who has believed do enter that rest as God has said…” (Hebrews 4:3)

2.) Obey:

Its not enough to just believe. It must be accompanied by obedience. Yes you have believed that Jesus is the son of God. Yes you have believed all the promises He has given in His word concerning your situation. But you have to pay the price to see things turn around in your life and this price is by obedience. Obedience is not just because we are expecting something from God but it is an act of worship and an act of love.  “If you love me, obey my commands” (John 14:15).

What is the command He has given you? That command may be the call on your life. You may be somewhere thinking you are a job seeker and you have searched for jobs all over or maybe you have a job but you find it difficult to stay in one job because you always feel disappointed with the way things are going on at that job. Hence, you have changed 4 jobs in 4 months. It is probably an indication that you are not a job seeker but a job giver. You are not suppose to be an employee but an employer. If you look deep within you, you will find the answers to many of your problems. What you always saw as a problem at the different institutions you worked at, probably God is telling you that is the problem only you can solve because they did not even see it as a problem. So you have to obey that inner feeling and go for it. That’s the only way you will have peace and rest so your life will flourish. “…Some must enter into God’s rest. But those to whom it was preached did not enter into the rest because of disobedience.” (Hebrews 4:6). You may never know where God is taking you until you obey. It may be the most uncomfortable thing for you to do but when you obey, you will be amazed at the outcome.God said to Abraham “Get out of your country, from your family and your father’s house and go to a land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1). Abraham immediately obeyed without questioning and the out come was “Abraham was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold. ” (Genesis 13:2). That is the definition of Abundance as a result of obedience.


After believing and obeying, the next thing to do is to strategize. Most people, especially Christians miss it here. They feel that since God has spoken all these things about us, we should just fold our arms and watch them fall into place. That is wrong. Strategizing means taking steps to see the fulfillment of the promise or the prophecy.Once you have received a word or prophecy, it is incumbent on you to take steps towards that area. For example you may have received a word that you will be the Secretary General of the United Nations. Yes we praise God for the bigger picture. But what is your responsibility? What steps do you have to take to see a fulfillment of the prophecy? It may entail volunteering at a small youth led NGO, it may mean participating in conferences, trainings, talking with people and to people via social media, radio programs etc, about the cause you are passionate about. As God sees your efforts, He will bless it. He says “He will bless the works of our hands”(Deuteronomy 28:12). You cannot bring empty hands for Him to bless. A Preacher once said “Any faith that is solely dependent on God is an irresponsible faith.” I dare you dear friend to take steps. Even if you were going in the wrong direction, because He is faithful to His promise, He will put you back on track. That is why Isaiah 30:21 says “…you will hear a voice from behind you saying this is the way walk in it.” So if you have not taken a step ahead how will you hear a voice from behind? God was not making a mistake when he used the word “BEHIND YOU”. Then it is all summed up in Ephesians 6:13 “AND WHEN YOU HAVE DONE EVERYTHING YOU COULD, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO STAND FIRM.”

Remain Blessed


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