Hello dear friends,
Its nice to have you visit our blog. I pray you will not regret stopping by today. In this month of March, we are learning the importance of divine positioning in order to be all that God has called you to be. We wish to see you Marching forward in this month of March. Today I am particularly talking to singles and I don’t want to take much of your time so lets jump right into it.
In 2017, I had a chat with a few friends over lunch. So we were talking about our career plans after graduate school considering you now have 2 degrees, marital plans, just all things single ladies can talk about. So in the course of our discussion, one of them said she wishes to work for a certain company and she has seen good openings there but her only worry is that she may be required to work outside her country and she is scared that she may not meet a man to marry her. At that point we all laughed and made fun of her but at the end I encouraged her not to limit her potential but her aim should to become all the best God wants her to be.
I recalled this conversation a few days ago when I was studying from the book of Genesis 2 and I was amazed at some things the Holy Spirit made me understand. You may be wondering is Genesis 2 not just the mere story of creation? Yes it is and so I believed until I discovered a hidden truth which I need to share with you today.
Genesis 2: 18-23
“The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”
If we look at this little extract, God saw that man was alone and decided to form a helper for him so he caused the man to sleep and used his rib to form a woman and He BROUGHT her to the man. I like the choice of words here. It did not say she was trying to meet the man or trying to find the man. Meaning it was all about POSITIONING. Most times we (especially single ladies) limit ourselves from achieving what God has called us to achieve or what He has placed in our hearts to do because we are scared that we may not find the men to marry us just like the lady in the story above said. Have you ever thought about that you may be in one place hoping to meet the right person but for the next 5 years no one approaches you for marriage? The next thing is that we start dying in depression and self pity when we see our mates having good jobs and getting married. This is why Divine Positioning is very important.
Friend, what is that limitation factor on your life? Does your life only revolve around meeting the man to marry you? Yes he meets you and you become His wife then what? After the marriage fever is calm you will still remain in that state of depression when you think about your dreams and you are no where near them. Then imagine the rapture occurs at that same moment you are limiting your self from doing exploits and God questions you about your time on earth what will your answer be? That you could not write that book He told you to write to change people’s lives because you were scared you will need to travel a lot for book launching or you did not take the job He wanted you to take in that company where you had to safe a colleague from committing suicide. What is that thing you are holding unto that is limiting your potential? Is it the desire to marry (marriage fever) or is it peer pressure, etc. I will like you to take these few tips to help you break out of “The Marriage Fever” and align yourselves with Divine Positioning for Exploits.
1.) Come back to God and ask Him to reposition you. This means you are telling God that even in your hustle, He knows you were created to be a helper so He should order your steps in your hustle only towards your ordained destiny (marital destiny and purpose). (Proverbs 3:4-5).
2.) Desire to live a righteous life. For by seeking first the interest of the kingdom, every other thing will be given to you, even the husband you are killing yourself to meet. God will wake him up from sleep and open up His eyes so that He will see you (Eve) sitting right beside him. (Matthew 6:33).
3.) Ask God to redirect your steps. That is, placing you at the right place at the right time so that you don’t need to strive to be found. (Psalms 37:23)
4.) Make sure you find fulfillment in your single hood. This means you should give purpose to every season of your life. Don’t be in a rush to marry because all your mates are marrying (what I call Marriage fever). If its not your time accept it and wait for your time. St. Paul admonishes singles (especially Christian Singles) that if you are single, don’t be in a haste to marry because as a single, you can spend enough time going about the Lord’s business but as a married person, majority of your time is spent on pleasing your spouse. (1 Corinthians 7:32-34)
(In fact if you are suffering from marriage fever, please I suggest you read all of 1st Corinthians 7.)
Finally, the fact that God positioned Eve to sit where Adam could see her is in no way disputing the fact that as a lady (even men), you have to do some work in Character, speech, etc. (you can read more here ). I can bet that Eve was sitting calmly by Adam meaning she was not flippant but she was gentle, she was a VIRGIN being presented pure to her husband (if you are not a virgin, it does not matter. God will cleanse you and make you even purer than a virgin).
I pray God will help us to put all these tips to work and become all that He wants us to be. I pray you will be healed from “MARRIAGE FEVER” as you trust in His Divine Positioning.
Remain forever Blessed.
The revealer of mysteries, Yahweh we praise your name for only you could reveal this.
If you don’t enjoy your singlehood, you cannot enjoy being joined to another.You may get missen in the process and trying to find yourself again..Be single and happy
This couldn’t have been a timlier read.