Self-esteem: A Christian Standpoint

Self-confidence can be defined simply as confidence in one’s worth or abilities. It can be seen as the value you attach to yourself. From the angle of the world, the focus is on what you think you are and can do. From a Christian standpoint, we define self-esteem as confidence in the way God sees you. Who God says you are is what should matter most in our lives. The Christian approach focuses on God’s opinion not on self. Most times when we talk of self-confidence we think of how bold or courageous a person approaches situations. When we know God has a higher opinion of us, we can confront any situation with boldness. As Christians, we gain self-confidence when we place our hope completely in God. Scripture says : “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint, Isaiah 40:31.”

I suffered from low self-confidence for a long time. I have not completely gotten out of it, but I have made very remarkable strides to build a healthy self-esteem. I always thought so little about myself, partially because I grew up predominantly in an orphanage. This made integrating with peers from regular homes a little challenging. I felt like I hadn’t enough experiences to share with peers or my experiences would be weird. The amazing thing is that every time I managed to share my little stories with my peers, they found it so interesting and had a lot to learn from. Yet I did not see it good enough to make me confidence of myself. Instead of trying to work on my self-confidence, I hid under the pretext of being a humble child. I did not understand that humility does not mean low self-confidence. I always tried to blend in especially when given a task to do because I always felt my contributions would not be good enough. At a certain point, I found consolation in a phrase a lecturer made. He said “introverts are always quiet but have the tendency to learn more”. I was suffering from low self-esteem yet I considered myself an introvert. I may have been an introvert for real but I lacked confidence in myself.

Once we were given a task to do in class. Every other person took a similar approach to it which of course was the wrong one. I had a completely different approach, but because I was not too sure of myself I kept quiet about it. At the end of the day, we failed in the task because I concealed my opinion which was the right one. At that point, it dawned on me that I need to learn to make contributions, irrespective of how they are received. When I started making contributions to tasks, there was more insight and understanding given to it. There are moments I still have self-doubts especially when I am amongst peers who are more educated and eloquent than I am but one thing comforts me, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”

What are some indicators of low self-confidence?

  • Living below your potentials. When you lack confidence in self, you don’t maximize your abilities to the fullest and so you may hardly live your pupated life.
  • You live your life constantly trying to please others or trying to proof your worth instead of putting your values into great use.
  • You easily feel discouraged when negative comments are said to you.
  • You always make wrong judgments and can easily lead people to make wrong decisions because you don’t trust yourself.

Benefits of having a healthy self-esteem as a Christian.

  • You can courageously venture into uncertain paths because you are confident in the God. who says “don’t be afraid I will be with you everywhere you go.”
  • Your values will not change even if people don’t appreciate you.
  • People can feel at ease besides you because you will flow confidently.
  • You maximize your potentials and live your purpose here on earth.

Looking at the records in the Bible we see God doing great things through ordinary people. Moses for example was not an eloquent speaker, yet God used him to bring about the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt.  We don’t need to be the best speakers, most educated or the best at anything. God can work mightily through us if we trust in Him. We need not worry about our weaknesses for God knows all about us and will equip us. All we need is to do the work we have  to the best of our abilities and trust that God can work mightily through it. We need to Say with confidence like David, you created every part of me, you put me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because you are to be feared, all you do is strange and wonderful, I know it with all my heart. Psalm139;13-14..

Dear reader if you sometimes share similar down moments like I did and you feel you are not good enough, be encouraged to be strong and confident, not in our abilities but in what God can do through us. For He promised to be with us wherever we go.

Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for I the Lord your God am with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).”

Look at David, as a young shepherd, he confidently faced lions and wolves just to keep his sheep safe. With that same confidence he faced Goliath and defeated him. He believed God will work through him to free the Israelites from the hands of the philistines. David had flaw but he placed his confidence in God and sought to please him. All we need to do is put complete trust in God and we can boldly and courageously face the challenges of life.

God bless you!

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