Growing in intimacy with God is essential for enhancing our worship of Him. This involves dedicating time to studying and meditating on His word, engaging in prayer, and practicing spiritual disciplines such as fellowship with other believers, fasting, and seeking out resources that deepen our understanding of God. As we continually deepen our knowledge and intimacy with God, we gain deeper revelations of God, which in turn strengthens our faith, love, and obedience to Him. As we grow in intimacy with God, we would grow in our worship of God. Worshipping God is the expression of a life fully surrendered to His lordship through Jesus Christ.

Worship is the acknowledgement of the lordship of God. You can only truly worship God when you know Him. A song is only a means of worship, not the end. Any other worship other than to God is idolatry” (Extracts from Purpose and Power of Praise and Worship by Myles Munroe).

In the biblical account of the Samaritan woman in John 4, Jesus introduced worship in Spirit and truth. The Samaritan woman was a woman who was unfamiliar with Jesus Christ and had experienced numerous failed relationships, leaving her feeling broken. Despite her feelings of brokenness, Jesus extended his hand to her, and she attentively engaged with him. She devoted time to listening to Jesus, spending time in intimate discussions with Him and as a result of this, she experienced a profound revelation of Jesus Christ and got deep insights on worship.

John 4:21-24

Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

At the place of intimacy, the Samaritan woman had a profound encounter with Jesus Christ. She was deeply moved by the love she received and the revelation of Jesus Christ.  This experience led her to wholeheartedly surrender her life, resulting in her fervent praise and worship of God. Her transformation was evident as she traversed Samaria, passionately urging everyone to come and meet Jesus, the Messiah. Her heartfelt plea resonated with the people she encountered, prompting them to invite Jesus to stay with them. As they spent time in His presence, they believed, not because of the woman’s testimony alone but because they had spent time in Jesus’ presence, heard his word and acknowledged Him as the Savior of the world. This powerful encounter serves as a testament to the transformative power of Jesus Christ and the profound impact He can have on those who truly seek Him and spend time in His presence. The Samaritan woman’s journey from skepticism to unwavering faith serves as a powerful example of the life-changing potential of encountering Jesus.

God is seeking worshippers. It is imperative that we make a conscious effort to draw near to God each day, allowing His Holy Spirit to work within us and transform us, enabling us to surrender our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This process of surrender is not something we can achieve through our own strength alone but by the help of the Holy Spirit. As we submit to God and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, our daily choices, actions and lifestyle will begin to mirror the nature of Christ, bringing glory to God in all that we do. True worship involves recognizing God’s sovereignty over all things and giving Him the honor and praise He deserves.

God loves when He is worshipped in sincerity of heart and not for what He can give. His presence accompanies those who sincerely worship Him. God loves to walk with His children but very few of them worship Him with sincerity of heart. It is always about what God can give and not about knowing what God wants. If someone was to come to you only when they need something will you be happy? Dear friends, let us desire to walk with God and build intimacy with Him so that He may be glorified in all the earth. So that He will accomplish His plans and purposes on earth. Few people worship God with sincerity of heart. They have shifted from the place of intimacy to the place of wants being met. So they can hardly ever hear His voice and they think God is silent over their issues. Please let’s be encouraged to worship God with sincerity of heart, not for what He can give but for who He is.”

Let us strive to grow in an intimate relationship with God which enhances our worship. God loves us deeply  and “He is able to supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).”  God is able to provide exceedingly, abundantly, above all we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)“. It is good to seek God and depend on him for our daily bread/ needs. However, we must be cautious that our desire for our needs to be met does not overshadow our worship of God. We must be mindful of the subtle ways in which the devil may tempt us to idolize our needs or even the blessings that God has bestowed upon us, thus hindering our ability to sincerely worship God for who He is.

God desires to have an intimate relationship with His children. We are called to worship Him, but we cannot truly worship a God whom we do not know. As we deepen our knowledge of God through intimacy with Him, our worship is enriched. To explore some biblical precepts that can aid us in deepening our relationship with God, please visit our article on intentionality in intimacy  ( Here).

Remain Blessed!


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