In our previous article, which you can access through this link http://arisesister.com/index.php/2025/01/09/hearing-gods-voice-relationship-fundamental/, we emphasized that that a relationship with God is of essence in discerning His voice and to deepen our intimacy with God, it is crucial to maintain a consistent word study and prayer life. In this article, we will explore hearing God through the word of God and prayer. Additionally, the writeup highlights some strategies to help us establish and maintain a consistent word study and prayer life.

1. Consistency in the word of God

God, in His infinite grace, has revealed Himself to us primarily through His Word and revelation by the power of the Holy Spirit. God and His Word are inseparable.  The word of God is the fundamental way God talks to us. While there are other channels through which God may speak to us, everything He says will align with His Word. The word of God is spiritual water that transforms our minds as we meditate on it daily. This transformation aligns our thoughts with God’s principles, guiding us to live in accordance with His will.

 “All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is profitable for instruction, for conviction [of sin], for correction [of error and restoration to obedience], for training in righteousness [learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both publicly and privately—behaving honorably with personal integrity and moral courage] “.2 Timothy 3:16

How can we hear God through his word?

  • Daily Meditate on the word

As children of God, it is crucial that we get the bible and dedicate time to meditating on God’s word so that we can live in accordance with God’s precepts. By doing so, we become more attuned to God’s voice through his word. This also helps us identify God’s voice when God talks to us through other means such as dreams, visions, intuition, other people etc. The words we receive will align with the voice of God we already know in His word, guiding us in the right direction. How can we follow God’s leading through scriptures? Meditate on such scriptures and hear God’s voice in your situation from that scripture. An example can be the moments in life when we may find ourselves facing challenges and a scripture that we have meditated on comes to mind, offering guidance and wisdom to address the situation at hand.

As a single woman, there was a moment in my life when a young man was trying to pursue a relationship with me. I was living alone at the time when he visited my house. As the night grew late, he insisted on staying longer. Initially, I didn’t see a problem with this, until the reality of the scripture on fleeing from immorality weighed heavily on my heart. I realized that I couldn’t allow him to stay any longer, as I didn’t want to put myself in a compromising situation. The Bible clearly states to flee from immorality, meaning to avoid situations that could lead to temptation. So, I politely but firmly insisted that he leave and go home. He called me archaic, because it was common for guys to spend the night at a girl’s house in today’s society. However, his insults didn’t sway me, as I was convicted by the word of God in my heart. I stood my ground and made it clear that he needed to go to his own home and he did.

In order to maintain consistency in your study of the Word, it is important to dedicate time each day for this purpose. Other helpful tips include establishing a Bible study plan, such as studying five verses daily or focusing on a specific book of the Bible each month or season, or following a Christian devotional that provides daily scriptures and teachings. Whichever method you choose, it is essential to have a structured plan for daily word study. Also, get a book and a pen to jot down what you learn daily.

  • Understand the principles in the word and apply them to the situations in your life

When studying the Word, do not simply read it as a routine task. Take time to meditate on the words and truly absorb their meaning. Avoid fixating on specific personal details, such as searching for your name in the Bible for financial advice. Instead, focus on extracting the principles and applying them to your own life circumstances. For example, consider Proverbs 21:20, states, “There is desirable treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man squanders it.” This scripture emphasizes the importance of being prudent and responsible with finances. If you are struggling with financial matters and seeking guidance from God on how to improve your situation, this verse may resonate with you. It serves as a reminder to handle your finances wisely and avoid unnecessary spending, ultimately helping you save more and grow your finances.

  • Personalize scripture verses

Personalizing scripture verses can be a powerful way to deepen our ability to perceive God’s voice and enhance our understanding of the message in His word.

During the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic amidst the fear of the pandemic, I found solace in the words of Psalm 91. In particular, verse 7 resonated with me: “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.” This verse became a source of comfort and strength for me, as I repeated it to myself during moments of fear and uncertainty. It served as a reminder that no matter the circumstances, God’s protection and promises remain steadfast. This is how my faith in God’s word sustained me through the difficulties of the pandemic.

  • Study biblical figures

One valuable practice in studying scriptures is the act of identifying with the individuals in the Bible while studying the scriptures. For example, as a woman, it is beneficial to take the time to explore what God reveals about who a woman is and her purpose by studying about women in the Bible. The Bible not only showcases those who lived according to God’s will as examples for us to follow but also highlights the mistakes and shortcomings of individuals for us to learn from and avoid similar mistakes.  Notwithstanding, the ultimate role model for a perfect life is Jesus Christ.

Another effective method of studying the characters in the Bible is to focus on those who faced similar challenges or had similar responsibilities as you.

As a woman working in policy spaces, I find inspiration in the stories of Esther and Deborah from the Bible. These women exemplify godly precepts and strategies that can be applied to influence policies effectively. Esther and Deborah had a strong relationship with God, allowing them to discern times and seasons, exhibit virtuous character, and approach situations with bold convictions yet respectful approach. They never went to override the men in policy spaces but to co-work with them to make sure the right policies and actions are taken. Their actions were always aligned with God’s will and aimed at liberating His people. Studying these women has taught me that every policy carries an agenda, either promoting the kingdom of darkness or extending God’s kingdom of light. This realization has guided me in choosing which institutional policies to support, always questioning whether they align with God’s standards.

  • Study on Specific subjects

Another beneficial practice is to study specific subjects such as Prayer, Faith, Confession, Marriage, and Finances.

I vividly recall a time when I was seeking guidance from God on how to navigate the single season (the period before marriage). During this time, I dedicated four months to studying the biblical book of Ruth. By the end of my study, I gleaned valuable insights from Ruth’s life. I learned that the single season is an opportune time to deepen my relationship with God, allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate virtuous character within me, and discern and begin walking in God’s purpose for my life.

There are various methods to study the word of God and listen to His guidance which include listening to reputable teachers who share the word of God, joining small fellowship groups which provide a platform to discuss and share insights on the word etc. The word of God has everything necessary for living a Godly life. It is important to meditate on the word regularly. We encourage you to strengthen your faith by dedicating time each day to study, meditate on the word of God and yield to daily transformation by the word which will become evidence in physical expressions and lifestyle.

2. Consistent Prayer Life.

Effective communication is crucial in establishing intimate relationships. As we have previously discussed, an intimate relationship is vital for truly hearing and understanding another person. In order to hear God, it is imperative that we actively maintain open communication channels, with prayer being the primary method of connecting with Him. Prayer involves not only speaking to God, but also listening to His responses. As followers of Jesus Christ, prayer should not be viewed as a one-time event, but rather as a continuous lifestyle of daily communication with God through Jesus Christ.

Just as a fish cannot survive outside of water, which is the ideal environment for its existence, we cannot live apart from the breath and source of our lives – Jesus Christ. Living in Jesus Christ entails consistently communing with Him, which involves effective communication. When we lose our ability to commune with Jesus Christ, we lose the breathe of life and will surely faint. “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” (Luke 18:1)

In prayers, we worship God, Adore Him, talk with God, inquire from him about his heart for our daily living, make request, lay our burdens, have lovely conversations about issues concerning our lives, praying for others etc. Most importantly, we listen attentively to God, eager to receive His messages for us.

We urge everyone who desires to hear God to grow a consistent prayer life. We can grow our prayer lives by intentionally putting prayer times on our daily schedules, studying/meditating on scriptures on prayers, reading or watching material on prayer, joining small prayer groups, learning to talk to God in the quietness of your heart through out the day etc.  Which ever way can enable us grow in prayers, the fundamental is to pray in faith, believing that we have a loving father who desires to hear us and talk with us every moment. Also seek the Holy Spirit to help and strengthen you to pray always.

Remember “…The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” (James 5:16)

Our prayer is that as we seek God earnestly, we would find Him and hear His voice guiding us through our lives.

God bless you!

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