Step 5: Fasting and Prayers

After examining a few stages to planning with God for a glorious year, we cannot overlook the importance of fasting and Prayers. The 4 afore mentioned tips cannot be implemented without fasting and prayers. 2018 has so much in store but in order to get our breakthrough packages, we need to seek divine direction through fasting and prayers. That is why Paul says

“For a great and effective door is opened to me but there are many adversaries.” 1 Corinthians 16:9.

Fasting is the only way to break these adversaries. In order to have or experience what you have never experienced before, then you must do what you have never done before. Fasting is the most effective way to get divine direction.

What is Fasting:

To fast means to stay away from the things that give you pleasure and seek the Lord. It is all about putting the desires of the flesh subject to the spirit of God. During the time which you normally do those things, you estrange yourself and seek the Lord. Most people restrict fasting to only mean going without food. That is okay. But it goes far beyond that. Some folks may not be “foodies” but love reading novels, even at the detriment of food and their physical well being. So during their fast, they stay away from reading novels and devote more time to seek the Lord.


We notice in scriptures that before men/women of God wanted to achieve something big they went into fasting and prayers. Let us look at a few of these figures:

  1. JESUS: Luke 4. The baptism of Jesus was the gateway to his public ministry. But after his baptism, he went into a season of fasting and prayers in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights and he was better equipped for ministry, hence the reason why he resisted all the temptations of the devil and angels came to his aid.
  2. MOSES: Exodus 34:28. Moses was on the mountain 40 days and 40 nights with God, he neither ate bread nor drank water. We see that His ears and eyes were fixed on the Lord and he was able to write on a tablet the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments.
  3. JEHOSHAPHAT: 2Chronicles 20. Some men told Jehoshaphat about the enemies that were coming to attack them. He sought the lord and proclaimed a fast through out Judah. Then the Lord fought the battle for them.
  4. ESTHER: Esther 4:16 and Chapter 5. When Esther heard the struggles of her people, she asked them to fast for 3 days and on the 3rd day God gave her favor before the king.

There are many other examples in the bible of people who sought the face of the Lord in Fasting and Prayers and the lord turned away their captivities.

  1. It helps you to plan with God and hear from him. This is because you stay away from the voices of the world and tune your frequency to get signals from heaven.
  2. It attracts God’s hand of favor upon you that whatever you touch prospers. (Esther 5:2).
  3. God takes over your battles and fights them for you, that you only need to be still. 2Chronicles 20:17-22.
  4. Fasting looses the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free. Isaiah 58:6.

If you have never Fasted before, any day is a good day to start. Just take off some little time to seek the Lord at the start of this year and then share your testimony with us. If you need us to walk you through the whole concept of fasting, kindly leave us a message and we’ll be happy to walk with you.

Further reading Isaiah 58, 2 Chronicles 20, Esther Chapter 4 and 5.

 Remain forever Blessed.


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One thought on “Step 5: Fasting and Prayers

  1. Pretty says:

    Thank you for sharing the good news with us,l would like to grow in knowing the Lord and be a prayer warrior,l surrender my self to it’s my second day fasting may you please help me with steps of fasting….God bless you

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