The Power of Time

Human beings usually have several things in their control but not time. Time is a factor of life that distinguishes one person from another. Time tells us whether we are successful or not, it makes us want more and work harder, it keeps us alert and goal oriented. The greatest of scientists have not been able to hold time because the Power of Time belongs to one and only one person; God the creator of man, God the uncreated Creator, God the Eternal and All Powerful.

Nevertheless God has granted man the understanding of time; there is a time for everything, the time to sow and the time to reap, the time to rejoice and the time to weep, a time to toil and a time to rest etc. An understanding of this helps us to adjust accordingly; it will therefore be easy for one to understand that no two persons have the same time zone even if they were twins born on the same day, Therefore some will achieve greatness at a young age while others will at an old age.
The question one may ask is; “How can I align myself with the power of time so as to be effective?”

1. Recognition of the One who holds the power of time
To effectively walk with time, we must recognize that we do not have the power to control it but only God. God has given us the gift of time sustained through His son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. When we come to this realization, we will be able to give God all the glory due to His Authority. When we do this God will help us work in line with time, making use of every second, minute and hour, for His glory and for our good.

2. Accept that time can never stop to wait for you
Many people tend to live life on earth as though they have time under their control. They waste their youthfulness on orgies, failing to realize that they were created to add value on earth and the best time to do so is during their youthfulness when they are still strong. Others still remain very greedy and self-centered even in old age failing to realize that in a blink of an eye, time will pass away and they will be gone with no worthy thing to present to God. Time waits for no one, God created us to make good use of the time He has given us. How well are we using this time?

3. Live each day as if it was your last
When we hear of stories of dead people who knew they will die, there is always a pattern to how they lived their last days. They strived to show love to their friends, families and strangers, they shared their possessions and gave gifts to the poor, they repented of their sins and did daily self-examinations until the day of their dead, they strived to make peace and be at peace with everyone, above all the strived to be in a deeper relationship and more connected to their Creator, God Almighty. Yes, these people could make such an effort to do all of the above because they were privileged to know when they will die. But this is how God expects everyone on earth to live, this is the reason why though He has the power of time, He has given us the understanding of it so that we can make the best use of it by acknowledging everything about Him, living in love and Holiness, sharing and giving etc.

Life is a dream, marked by the hands of the clock signifying time. How we use the time given to us is our business, but that business will be brought to Judgment by the one who has and holds ‘The Power of Time’. He has given us this time to make the utmost use of it to His glory and pleasure but many refuse to acknowledge His generosity. And when the Owner finally decides to completely end time on earth, He will decide those who made absolute use of the gift (Heaven oriented) and those who abused the gift (Hell oriented), for time is a gift to man but man do not hold its power.

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One thought on “The Power of Time

  1. Muyu says:

    Great write up. Tnks alot and have learnt alot from this . #Live one day at a time and make the most of the time God has given us# . God bless u

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