The Extraordinary Hands Of Grace

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3).

God in His amazing words sums up in the above statement His “Extraordinary Hand of Grace.”
Have you ever been faced with a situation where you say to yourself “this is it; I am at my wits end; there is no way out; I give up; I am tired” and then in an inexplicable way, you find a way out; you get a renewed energy, you find every reason to enjoy life and be happy? If yes, it means God extended His Extraordinary Hand of Grace and reached out to you.
Basically, this is what God’s Extraordinary Hand of Grace does;

it reaches out to you when your human abilities can no longer sustain you; it pulls you out from the pit even when you think you deserve to fall into it; the Hand shows you the bigger picture of life and makes you want to live every bit of it.

Oh how sweet is the Grace of our God manifested in the mysterious deeds of His Mighty Hand!
He has always extended His Hand of Grace to mankind from the beginning of the world and is still doing so and will continue to eternity. Anyone who receives the touch of the hand carries unforeseen power to do the impossible; it makes a person operate beyond human explanation and gives one extraordinary speed to overtake.

The prophet Elijah is a biblical example of what God’s ‘Extraordinary Hand of Grace’ can achieve in the life of a mere mortal. He was able to do what was humanly impossible throughout his prophetic ministry because God’s Mighty Hand of Grace was upon him. He even ran ahead of king Ahab’s chariot on foot, because of this ‘Mighty Touch’ upon him. (1 Kings 18:44-46). Paul is another example of the working of the Extraordinary Hand of the Grace of God when he could not find a way out from the thorn in his flesh (2 Corinthians 12:8). He heard God extending His saving hand of grace to him in the following words; “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). What God was telling Paul was that His grace was manifested each time he came to the end of the road physically, spiritually, financially, emotionally and indeed in every department of his life and ministry. That is the reason why Paul could boast in his weaknesses because at any point in time when he was weak, he experienced the extraordinary working of the power of God’s mighty hand of grace.
This hand is extended in increasing measure to us today; however, as established in the previous articles, only those who receive His Grace by believing in Jesus Christ who is the true and only epitome of Grace will experience the mighty works of the ‘Extraordinary Hand of Grace’.

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