Stepping out in faith might sound easy but it entails leaving your comfort zone and facing your deepest fears. To decide to step out is one of the hardest decisions one could take given that at the point you need to step out, the reality plaguing you is often one of little optimism. However, we need to hold on to our faith and hope in Christ. We need to take that bold step to see us through what or where we find ourselves. Like Peter who took his focus off Jesus while walking on the water and began to sink, we all struggle with having stamina to step out in faith but it is important to focus on what God has in view for us and step out in faith. Consider the following reasons why we all should step out in faith.
Stepping out in faith gives us confidence
If you want to build confidence, stepping out in faith will do. Always trust God to use your situations for your good. Sometimes His plans make us nervous but once we are confident in His plan we have nothing to fear because God’s plans are all for our good and always lead us to an expected end. With this assurance even if you fail, you stay focused and strong and is able to overcome all the obstacles.
Stepping out in faith helps the mind
Stepping out in faith helps recondition one’s mind and changes one’s perspective to things. Changing your mindset allows you see things God’s way and not your way and or the physical reality. Shrinking in fear and wallowing in pity does not really change the situation, but having a positive mindset makes it possible for you to test and approve God’s will and purpose for you.
Stepping out in faith helps us remain focused
Once we don’t let ourselves be distracted by the cares of life, we will never understand God’s purpose. Rather when we allow problems overwhelm us, we don’t hear God clearly. Stepping out in faith gives us the power to avoid distractions from life and people and helps us stay focused on God’s good and perfect will.
Stepping out in faith makes one stronger
Stepping out in faith is like using a muscle that has never been used before. It makes one stronger the moment you use it. Standing on the sidelines and thinking your faith will arrive without a deliberate intent on your part is not true. If you want to stay in your comfort zone, then expect no change. Rather exercise your faith, refuse to stand on the sidelines, take a step of faith, it’s never easy but the result is always worth it.
Stepping out in faith opens up opportunities
Sometimes it is a little act of stepping out of your comfort without any knowledge of what the future holds that propels you into a brighter and bigger tomorrow. Have you been facing constant failures, pains, sorrows and you’re at the verge of giving up, have some opportunities come your way and you refused to dare in faith because you think the outcome will be the same? Get out of your comfort zone, take that bold step, step out in faith that might just be that opportunity God wants to use to bring your breakthrough. Just pray over your thoughts and ask the Lord to guide you on what opportunities He wants you to pursue
Reasons Why We Should Step Out In Faith

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