Achieving Spiritual Abundance

When we talk spiritual abundance, does it mean being a very spiritual person more abundantly than others? Not really. It is rather the ability to tap into your deepest inner self while allowing the universe to provide for your needs. We are all spiritual beings, whether you are religious or not, we all have a spiritual side.

Some people define spirituality with religion, while others believe it’s our connection with the world around us. Which ever ways, you can better understand your spiritual self and your ability to achieve spiritual abundance by doing the following:

Blieving that achieving abundance and prosperity is possible.

For some, it’s hard to believe because they have conditioned their minds to believe that it is so difficult or impossible to get anywhere in life that they might want to imagine. By so doing they set a limitation to their abundance and stay in one place.

Think Positively and Picture It in Your Mind

Positive thinking and visualization follow the principle of believing. Yes, you can make it. It is necessary to learn to visualize that success in any area of your life with spiritual abundance.
If you can’t picture it, you won’t become it. God asked Abram, what do you see and he said countless stars and God told him his descendants will be as countless as those stars. What you see is what you become. If you can’t picture that large bank account, thar debt free life, you won’t attract such things.

The law of abundance basically teaches us to tap into the power of our minds and your beliefs to achieve your dreams. It is positive thinking but instead of just feeling positive, you’ll use that positive feeling towards a specific thing. If you want to get out of debts for example, I invite you to shift your thinking to see yourself effortlessly coming out of it and with that mindset, you attract spiritual abundance. What you picture,what you see in your minds eye is what you become. What do you see, picture yourself becoming it and that you will be.

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3 thoughts on “Achieving Spiritual Abundance

  1. Rose says:

    U can only reach ur full potential wen u don’t limit yourself and have that confidence that u will have everything u want and need from this life because in reality it’s for you .. ur born with a purpose only way to live through it is to live in it

  2. maximina shelton says:

    U know what I looking for and u post it so I can find it .And I do find it and read it it all coming together . Cause there are so many hints that is coming up when I read it I guess it a good thing .Some sound right and some I not really sure about yet.

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