A Place of Abundance

So as a Christian (or non Christian maybe), you’ve probably by now heard about the term “prosperity gospel”. And you’re either with the group of people who are so over it and think it’s some form of exploitation or you’re with the “prosperity gospel gang” and you are ready to give and sow your heart away because you want material blessings, or you’re somewhere in the middle. Lol.

Well, whatever group you fall in or whatever your opinion is about this “prosperity gospel”, there is one thing that’s for sure!

God wants to bring his people to a place of abundance. Lack, in any way, is not part of His plan for those who believe in Him.

However, the road to get to that place of abundance isn’t always the easiest. This David knew so well and so he wrote this;  you let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance.
Psalms 66:12 ESV 

When we see someone who is at their place of abundance (whether financially, spiritually, in their relationships etc), we admire them (others may envy them) and all we see is where they are now. We don’t know what “fire” and “water” they had to go through to get there. You’ll be amazed at some of their stories! So next time you have the opportunity to meet with someone who’s in their place of abundance, maybe you should ask them; “what’s your story?”

I know we all want to get to that place – to achieve those financial, spiritual, relationship goals -,no one wants to live in lack! But I’d like to remind you today that you will go through fire and through water before you get there. As you go through the fire and water, keep these in mind

1. You Will Make it Out!

Sometimes, we try to pray away certain situations in our lives that just cannot be prayed away! Because God allowed us to go through those situations for a reason – maybe to prepare us for a greater task ahead, maybe to teach us a valuable lesson for our future – whatever the reason, we can be sure it is for our good (Romans 8:28). There will never have been a Joseph to save Egypt from a devastating famine if that same Joseph hadn’t been thrown into a pit and sold off for slavery (You can read the story here). There wouldn’t be the joy of holding a baby if the pregnant woman doesn’t endure the nine months of mood swings, morning sickness, body changes etc! Sometimes we just have to embrace these things because we know what it is working out in us and for us! The good news is we know He’ll bring us out, to a place of abundance.

2. Don’t Go Through Fire and Water For Nothing!

Wouldn’t it be sad if God allows us go through the fire and water and we come out without learning what He had intended for us to learn in that season of our lives? Wouldn’t it have been really sad for Jonah if he came out of the fish’s belly and still refused to go to Nineveh? The thing is God wants us to be the best of ourselves, so He’ll keep allowing you go through certain situations until you learn! (So don’t be stubborn). The quicker you learn, the quicker you get out. Every season of your life is meant to teach you something! Don’t miss the lessons!

3. Find Something That’ll Make it Somewhat Easier

Instead of sulking or getting depressed, try to do things that’ll make it easier for you. For example, join a group in church – together is always better than alone!. The three Hebrew boys Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego probably found strength and encouragement in each other when they were being thrown into the burning furnace. If they had to do it individually, it would’ve been harder. Find strength in those around you. Church is meant for this! Just don’t go to church on Sunday, sit alone then back the the next sunday. Make relationships, fellowship…. trust me, those will benefit you incredibly!

So girl, if you’re going through fire and water right now , I hope you find encouragement in these words to keep going. If you’re in your place of abundance, Hallelujah! May God bless you even more!

I’d like to hear from you guys! If you’re in your place of abundance whether spiritually, financially, in your relationships or otherwise, please share with us your journey to get there. If you’re going through fire and water, share with us how you’re navigating through!






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2 thoughts on “A Place of Abundance

  1. Fri says:

    Thanks for this timely word. It’s indeed the fire and water season for me, trying to figure out the location God wants me to be in, in order to do the assignment he wants me to do. Sometimes it’s like I can’t hear him again and I begin asking myself if it was His voice I heard the first time I received the word from Him. But I have learned to wait on His timing. I hid myself in the words of psalms 27:13-14 and Isaiah 41:10. I wish someone going through this same season would meditate on these verses. SHALOM

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