Living in Perfect Peace

It was a cool day at work, I had some free time and the day was going pretty well honestly. Nothing was stressing me out and I had some time to myself (that is a luxury these days my friend!). So I swiped my phone over to the pretty long list of E-books I keep downloading hoping to actually read them all someday (Lord help me!). Well I swiped over the pages of one of them to the page where I had previously stopped and was about to continue reading when a million thoughts rushed through my mind, all at once; plans, hopes, desires, wishes, why-nots, if-onlys… and I completely lost focus and just couldn’t find any quietness in my mind to read anymore!

It was a frustrating feeling honestly, so I found myself telling God; “please tell me something! Anything! I just want you to talk to me right now. Please!”.

You know those times when you desperately need Him to say something or you feel like you’ll lose it? Yup! That was one of such times. That day was a good day cuz He did say something (or atleast that day I didn’t miss what He said).

You know how in times like that you just wish the heavens will open and a loud voice will speak to you…? Or maybe a voice behind you? Or i don’t know, something extraordinary! Well… that didn’t happen sis! 😅

It was more of a revelation or an impression of these words on my mind :

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3 ESV

Well ofcourse I knew it was a bible verse but i didn’t know which exactly, but thank God there’s something called Google! I googled out the verse and I meditated on it for a while. I pondered over those words and I got His message!

Finding peace within, in a completely chaotic and restless world begins with shifting your focus to and keeping it on the one who is peace Himself.

My mind was all over the place that day. A billion thoughts rushing through and stealing my peace! God was telling me all I needed to do to have peace was to keep my mind on Him! To let my mind stay on Him! Not on any plans, wishes, desires, I have, not on any disappointments or failed expectations! He wanted to remind me that the key to a peaceful life, mind, spirit is in keeping my mind stayed on Him!

As easy as it sounds, it isn’t something easy to achieve though. It isn’t easy because we have dreams, expectations and desires, we wake up everyday with things that our hearts long for, goals that we long to achieve… when we have all these unfulfilled desires it is hard to not think about them all the time! However God had one more thing He wanted me to know that day, and He wants you to know too.

He needs us to trust him! He keeps him in perfect peace 1. whose mind is stayed on Him and 2. Because he trusts Him.

He isn’t saying don’t have dreams, don’t set goals, don’t desire anything! No girl! He knows every single one of those things you desire, He is saying, “don’t keep your mind stayed on them! Keep your mind stayed on me! Trust me!”

You want to live in perfect peace? Trust God and keep your mind stayed on Him! 





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