I heard someone say; “time spent waiting on the fulfillment of God’s plan is never wasted time“.  I believe that phrase so much because times and seasons, events and circumstances are predestined by God. He alone knows when and how they will happen.

No one who puts his/her trust in God is ever late. God does not keep us waiting. He is always perfectly on time. The society may have set certain standards, for example at a certain age you should be able to get a good job, can accommodate yourself, must have made certain achievements in life, must be married and the list is long.  Great! Some of these standards help to keep us objective and hardworking but marriage time and season is not to be determined by man.

Time and again, when we hear the testimonies of people who spent time waiting on God for answered prayers, we clearly understand that God does not function with age or achievements. He gives us each day at a time as He sees fit. Every Christian girl should not be anxious about late or early marriage. If God is at the center, then it is just in the perfect timing. The truth is, not all who hurry to say yes simply because they are responding to external pressure end up living their dreams, neither are all who deliberately for unwholesome reasons spend time waiting in the name of “they do not want to rush things”.

Single season is not necessarily only a waiting time as it may seem, but is also a preparation time. Those who spend their single season preparing and committing their ways to God are those who end up living a happy married life. Waiting time for every single is very important as it gives you an opportunity to:-

1) Appreciate oneself:  We all have our worth. We sometimes need that space to just do us, give us all the attention we can get.

2) Adapt and make accommodation for two or more.

3) Be Miss right: Most times in our single season, we spend time looking for the best in people and forget to make ourselves the best. Good things only come to deserving people. We need to be “Miss Rights” in order for “Mister Right” to find us.

4) Think through it again: There is this popular saying about marriage. “While some are trying to get out, others are trying to get in”. Will you bear to have a struggling marriage life? If not, then utilize your single season to prepare for marriage for instance by intentionally spending quality time with God and serving Him; developing godly character etc.

5) Most importantly of them is to commit all to God and trust that He has not forgotten about you, He is always perfectly on time and He reserves the best for His own.

As we spend time with God during this season, developing ourselves and also preparing ourselves for marriage we should reflect on these and more, whilst not being propelled by external pressures and societal standards.

God bless you!

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