Life is a journey with an ultimate purpose to be fulfilled. Just like a traveler’s focus during a trip is to reach the final destination, which is the purpose for taking the trip, so too , our focus on our life’s journey is to fulfill the  purpose for which we were created. (Please you can read this book “The purpose driven life” by Rick Warren to get more insight on life’s purpose).

A traveller’s trip has different phases such as the pre-trip preparation phase; the take-off point phase; the phase of travelling/movement; the phase of arrival at the destination. All these phases work together to fulfilling his goal of arriving the final destination. Similarly, our life’s journey has different seasons which have specific task leading up to fulfilling our purpose. There is a season when you were born; a season when you were a baby; a season when you were a toddler; season of adolescence; single season; marriage season etc.

Think about the geographical seasons of the year. Each season is marked by special climate conditions which determine the activities to be done during that season. For instance, in my local community, the rainy season is characterized by down pour of rain and it is the season when planting of crops is done. During this season, it may be challenging to have out-door activities especially when the rain falls for long hours. Nevertheless, at the right time, the rainy season gives way for the dry season which is characterized by long hours of sunshine, which makes the environmental view more clear. Thus, it is a good season for many out door activities.

Ecclesiastes 3:15 says “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”.

Life is a journey with different seasons. If these seasons were created as part of the life’s journey, it means each of this season is very important in life’s journey.  Each season has specific characteristics and task which are vital for the next season. Understanding and working in the purpose of specific seasons in life’s journey is of essence in fulfilling ultimate purpose.

The single season is a season in life’s journey with its own specificities. One of the main aspects of this season the “time you have to yourself”. So, it is essential to maximize this time/season to develop self. Just like other seasons, this season too may soon give way to other seasons of life. What you do during this single season is of essence during the next season and in fulfilling life’s purpose. Will you just let the season pass by with nothing to keep in stock?

You can utilize this season to develop yourself.  Your Identity, character and purpose are of essence in self-development. Maximize your single season before you notice it is already gone.

You can join Arisesister zoom webinar on the 8th and 9th of August 2020 from 4pm to 6pm CAT so that we can share and learn more about maximizing our single season.

God bless you!


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