Shaky Feet on Solid Ground

Hope, Hold on Pain ends.

I have a portrait on my bedroom wall with these words printed on it (see photo above).
HOPE” in bold capital letters and “Hold on, pain ends” as a subtext. I got this portrait together with a few others as a package deal earlier this year. Matter-of-fact, I didn’t really want it at the time, I only got it because it came with the package and I couldn’t exclude it.
It wasn’t something I could relate to so much at the time because, I wasn’t struggling to hope, I wasn’t in any kind of pain. Actually, I was in a really good space. Bursting with joy and full of hope for the future. Reason for my reluctance to buy that particular image in the first place. However, I thought, it’s a great message, no big deal, take it, it could speak to someone else.

Fast forward to a few months later and every morning when I wake up I stare at those words and there couldn’t be any other 6 words that I need to hear the most than those.

God was at work again. Going ahead into the future, moving pieces, and putting up signboards just so when I go down that road, I’ll have some direction.

After losing my mom, hope is something that doesn’t come easy for me anymore.

God knew this, and he already made a plan!

Looking back and knowing that God already knew I was going to need these words comforts me. It gives me the assurance that He knows everything before it even happens and he has every situation under control because He knows about it before it even happens. He is the solid ground that isn’t shaken by circumstances. Even when my feet are shaky and unsteady, I’m not afraid because the ground under me is solid and it can hold me even with all my shakiness.

This year 2020 has definitely been a shaky one globally. So much tragedy, pain, suffering, and disease have ravaged the entire globe.
It’s safe to say a lot of us have lost our balance and we are barely struggling to keep our feet steady again.

So coming to the end of this year, are you struggling to have hope for next year? When new years come around, they are always filled with new hope, new beginnings, new resolutions, new ambitions, new plans…etc. But maybe this year that just isn’t the case for you. Everything looks gloomy and you are struggling to see any light ahead of you. As if your own personal struggles are not enough, COVID is still lingering on. Be encouraged with these truths;

  • Life is in seasons, no season remains forever. Your season right now could be a gloomy one, but be comforted with the fact that it will definitely come to an end and the dawn of a new season will come. Wait for it.

For everything, there is a season, A time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. Ecclesiastes 3:1-4NLT

  • Everything on earth is only temporary. It will eventually all pass away. Think about it this way – you are going to spend maybe 50, 70, 100 years at most 200 years probably of eternity here on earth, and the rest of it (thousands of years) you’ll spend in a much better place. So hold on while looking forward that. It’ll be a blast!

Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth, and no one will even think about the old ones anymore. Isaiah 65:17NLT

  • When the things that could’ve caused you the most pain become a reality, you actually become free from them. They could never hurt you again. You in fact gain strength to face even worse situations.

You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water, yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance. Psalm 66:12


So, be reminded today that, when your hope is in Jesus Christ, though your feet be shaky, the ground under you is firm! Until you can find your balance again, all you need to do is hold on! Remain planted on that firm ground because though the storms may come and the wind may blow, the solid ground which is our Lord Jesus Christ will never waver. He remains the same forever.

Hold on,
Pain ends!

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