Get Your Facts Straight Part II

This article is the 2nd part of a 2-part series. If you haven’t read part one, I’ll recommend you go read it before reading this one for better understanding. You can find it here.

We were using an analogy of ‘Different types of people at the supermarket’ to get across some lessons that can be applied in our lives. We mentioned four types of people:

  • Person 1: The person who just picks up any product that catches their eye and keeps it pushing
  • Person 2: The person who picks up the product  with the most attractive packaging
  • Person 3: The person who picks up the product someone recommended to them 
  • Person 4: The person who gets all the facts about the product before buying it. 

I’d like to quickly mention that this is just an analogy used to get a message across. Being any one of the people above in the literal sense isn’t the focus in this article (quick disclaimer).

In Part 1 of this article, we already explored persons 1 and 2. In this part, we’ll be looking at persons 3 and 4.

Person 3

This is that believer who doesn’t take out much time to seek God and get to know Him for themselves. They are completely comfortable and fine with continuously being fed by others. They’ll watch preachers on the internet all the time,  read tons of books, and mostly only read their bible when the pastor is preaching on Sunday.

Listening to preachers and reading books that inspire us and help us in our Christian walk in itself is no problem. Actually, it’s a great habit to keep. I love me some Joyce Meyer and Priscilla Shirer. I listen to them a lot. I read books from some amazing people such as Myles Monroe, Rick Warren, Kenneth E. Haggin, and many other inspiring men and women of God.

However, we all as Christians have been called into a personal relationship with God. He wants to talk to us directly too if we seek him. We shouldn’t be comfortable only with what others feed us with. We should desire and thirst to be fed from the source Himself. As much as you read other books, don’t neglect the bible. Most of those books were inspired by it in the first place. Dig into God’s word daily and seek revelations from it yourself.

Person 4 

Now, this is that Christian that we should all aspire to be. In these days where there are so many preachers out there and just a huge well of knowledge, we shouldn’t just take whatever is given to us and run with it. We know what God’s word says because that is our spiritual filter. We should be able to get the facts straight before accepting what is said. When you listen to that preacher, when you read that article or book, when you listen to that podcast, TV show, or movie, before sharing that Instagram or Facebook quote, make sure you’ve gotten all the facts straight. I wrote this down in the previous article and I’ll write it here one more  time for emphasis;

Not everything that sounds inspirational is in line with the word of God.


So girl, get your facts straight. Test and approve what the will of God is and seek to know God for yourself.


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God bless you.




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6 thoughts on “Get Your Facts Straight Part II

  1. N Ateh says:

    Personally at different points in my life I’ve been been person one, never really a fan of two, I’ve been a person three and God is gradually moulding me as a person 4.. Leaving from one person to the other always came gradually with inquisitiveness, hard experiences and the desire for growth all by God’s making…not easy but totally worth it.
    The analogy is so real and interesting..

    • That’s what being a Christian is all about sis – Growth!
      We’re not perfect but as long as we seek to grow and be a better person everyday, we’re on the right path
      Thanks for sharing!
      God bless you

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